Acting Chairman of PPP Muhammad Mardiono responded to the news that the declaration of the vice presidential candidate accompanying Ganjar Pranowo would be announced in September.
Mardiono said that his party would not urge the PDIP to immediately announce the name of the vice president.
"We don't have a September target to be announced, maybe next week it could be," said Mardiono in Senayan, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, August 23.
It is known that PPP has collaborated with the PDI-P by supporting Ganjar Pranowo as the 2024 Presidential Candidate. So far, PPP has recommended Sandiaga Uno as Ganjar's vice presidential candidate.
Even so, Mardiono hopes that Ganjar's vice presidential declaration can be carried out soon. Moreover, he said, currently PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri has intervened to consolidate the party regarding Ganjar's victory.
"Maybe God willing, it will be even faster later, and Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri has also started to go directly down the mountain," he said.
With Megawati's direct jump, Mardiono considered, it was a signal that Ganjar was able to win the 2024 presidential election contestation.
"We know a few days ago, we went to Yogyakarta, meaning that this is a signal that Mrs. Megawati, if I have been going down since 9 months ago, yes, but if Mrs. Megawati starts to go down, this is a signal that we will definitely pass that way," he said.
Previously, PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekaenoputri was rumored to be announcing Ganjar's vice presidential candidate (cawapres) in September 2023. PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said the vice presidential candidate would be announced after his party communicated with the coalition party supporting Ganjar.
" “September, of course, this is the authority of the General Chairperson to announce a candidate from the vice president who of course after coordinating with all the general chairmen of the political party that carries Ganjar and with President Jokowi," Hasto said last July.
According to this bespectacled man, PDIP is currently working on the names included in the vice presidential exchange accompanying Ganjar. The process will take up to the next two months (July – August 2023).
July “ In August, it will be a brewing momentum and then the best pairing will be sought, but also look at electoral aspects. So, we are waiting for the right momentum,” said Hasto.
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