Bandung Police and the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the West Java Police are working together with the alleged case of falsification of Dago Elos land documents on Jl Ir H Juanda (Dago) which recently sparked chaos in Dago on Monday night.
"This case will be handled jointly between the Bandung Police and the West Java Regional Police," said Bandung Police Chief Kombes Budi Sartono in a statement in Bandung, Antara, Wednesday, August 18.
Budi explained that the Bandung Police Satreskrim accompanied residents who had previously reported to the Polrestabes to make a report to the Ditreskrimum, and would also submit an interview report (BAW) that had been made by Satreskrim investigators.
"Tuesday night, the Satreskrim investigators took the residents (reporters) to the West Java Regional Police," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Ibrahim Tompo, confirmed that his party received reports from the public regarding the Dago Elos land case.
He said the report to the West Java Regional Police SPKT was received with No LP/B/336/VIII/2023/West Java Police on August 15, 2023, on behalf of the reporter Ade Suherman.
"Yes, we received the police report at the Regional Police as a form of accommodation for complaints from the public. The completeness of the supporting documents will be completed while walking," he said.
In principle, the police will work to serve the community, so in handling cases there is no such thing as rejection.
"Indeed, every criminal process must be carried out with legal procedures and correct investigation mechanisms and can be accounted for according to existing regulations," he said.
Meanwhile, the Director of General Criminal Investigation at the West Java Police, Kombes Surawan, said that based on a report to the SPKT, the police issued a Sprint Lidik Number: Sp.Lidik/600/VIII/HUK.6.6/2023/Ditreskrimum and Sprint Gas Number: Sp.Gas/600.a/VIII/HUK.6.6/2023/Ditreskrimum.
"We will handle this case with the Bandung Police. Because the number of witnesses we will ask for is a lot of information, we will divide the task with the Bandung Police Satreskrim," he said.
Meanwhile, a resident of Dago Elos Ade Suherman who was the reporter for the alleged forgery of land documents expressed his gratitude to the police and hoped that the residents' hopes could be met.
"Thank you for our report received and handled, the case handled by the joint team of the Bandung Polrestabes and West Java Police can meet the expectations of the residents," said Ade in a video recording received.
Ade made a police report to the West Java Regional Police SPKT accompanied by a lawyer and a number of other residents, and the report was registered with LP/B/336/VIII/2023/West Java Police on August 15, 2023.
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