
BANDA ACEH - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of the Republic of Indonesia destroyed an area of 4.5 hectares of fields containing 21 thousand cannabis plants located in Alue Ie Mudek Hamlet, Teupin Reusep Village, Sawang District, North Aceh Regency.

Deputy for Eradication of BNN RI Inspector General I Wayan Sugiri said the weight of the prohibited plants destroyed reached two tons.

"The cannabis plant was destroyed by pulling and burning. This destruction was carried out to coincide with the series of celebrating the 78th Indonesian Independence Day. The location of the destruction was carried out at 11 points with a land area of 4.5 hectares with a total of 21 thousand cannabis stalks," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 16.

The operation to destroy the cannabis field involved a joint team from BNN, TNI, Polri, Satpol PP, Prosecutor's Office, Customs and Excise and the Agriculture Service, as well as other relevant agencies.

Access to the location is very slippery and steep, it takes 45 minutes for foot trips to pass through the footpath. The location of the cannabis field is difficult to reach and pass by vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled.

I Wayan Sugiri said the cannabis field land was known for the cooperation between the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency and unmanned aircraft (PTTA) and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and an investigation was carried out.

"This cannabis plant is destroyed by pulling and burning. The height of the plant varies from 20 to 200 centimeters with a planting distance of about 50 to 100 centimeters," he said.

Before the destruction was carried out, he said, his party also checked first at the location by taking samples of marijuana leaves to be tested, the results turned out to be included in class one narcotics.

"Based on data from the North Aceh region, especially Teupin Reuep Village, it is one of the pilot projects of the grand design alternative development (GDAD) program initiated by BNN. Apart from Aceh Besar, Bireuen and Gayo Lues," he said.

The program provides life skills training or life skills for people who work as cannabis farmers to switch to become other productive plant farmers.

"This destruction is carried out in accordance with Article 111 paragraph (2) of Law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics contained in it related to the prohibition of planting, maintaining, storing, controlling or providing class I marijuana with the threat of death penalty or life imprisonment," he said.

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