
KAPUAS HULU - Border Security Task Force (Satgas Pamtas) Yonarmed 10/Bradjamusti curbed gold mining activities without permission in the Batang Bayan River, Indonesia-Malaysia border, Sanggau area, West Kalimantan.

"Our control is carried out with a joint team of local police and Koramil at three river basins," said the Commander of the Pamtas Task Force Major Arm. Ady Kurniawan was reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 9.

In this control, the joint team destroyed eight units of dompeng machines used by residents to carry out illegal gold mining.

The illegal gold mining activity was allegedly carried out at night to trick officers.

His party is committed to supporting the eradication of illegal gold mining carried out by speculators. "Illegal mining is a chronic case in border areas. Illegal mines always result in victims dying, harm and conflict," he said.

He hopes that the issuance of illegal gold mining activities can bring benefits to the opinion of the state in border areas.

Meanwhile, the Commander of the Sei Tekam Post, Lettu Arm. Satrio explained that the illegal gold mining activities were at three points of the Batang Bayan River in Perimpah Hamlet, Sungai Tekam Village, Sekayam District, Sanggau Regency.

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