
JAMBI - The Jambi City Fire Department Team evacuated a man from Sungai Asam Village, Pasar District, Jambi City who had a body weight of 130 kilograms.

Head of the Jambi City Fire Department, Mustari Affandi, said the man was suspected of having a spinal cord narrowing and an infection in the leg which caused swelling so that he could not walk.

"We received reports from residents who asked to evacuate residents to be taken to the hospital weighing more than 130 kilos," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, July 29.

After receiving the report, the evacuation team immediately rushed to the location using evaluation equipment such as stretchers. The resident was taken to a hospital in Jambi City.

In the evacuation process, he said the team also found difficulties because the residents were heavy. However, the problem, he said, could be handled properly by the evacuation team so that it could transport residents who were obese.

"Of course there are difficulties, we prepare maximum evaluation equipment," he said.

Mustari said that currently the residents were already in a hospital in Jambi City and received treatment from medical.

In the process of evacuating the obese residents, the Jambi City Damkar deployed a rescue team consisting of 11 people using complete rescue equipment. Officers took 1 hour 20 minutes to lift the resident.

In addition, the Damkar also coordinated with the Public Safety Center (PSC) to evacuate residents to the nearest hospital.

Mustari said that his party received this report directly from the brother concerned who asked for help to take his sister to the hospital.

Evacuation of people who are obese is one of the main tasks of the Damkar.

"One of our tasks is community service such as evacuating this obese citizen," he said.

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