Minister Of Communication And Information Budi Arie Will Visit The AGO Today, Discussing The Sustainability Of The 4G BTS Project
The Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie is planned to visit the Attorney General's Office (AGO) today. The goal is to coordinate on the continuation of the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) 4G project.
"It's true (The Minister of Communication and Information will go to the AGO)," said the Head of the AGO, Ketut Sumedana when confirmed, Monday, July 24.
Coordination was carried out because the 4G BTS construction project had stumbled upon a corruption case. Former Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate became one of the suspects and has entered the trial stage.
In addition, Ketut continued, his visit was also to meet with Attorney General ST Burhanuddin in the context of friendship. This is because Budi Arie is the new Minister of Communication and Information.
"Silaturahmi sebagai pejabat baru dan pendampingan atau pengawal proyek strategis nasional di kementrianya. Termasuk membahas kelanjutan BTS 4G," kata Ketut.
Previously, Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie emphasized that the 4G BTS development process by Bakti Kominfo would be continued. In fact, it is targeted that the construction will be completed by the end of this year.
"When it comes to BTS, it must be continued, it must be realized, created. Targeting this year can be completed, no later than this year it can be completed," said Budi
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