
JAKARTA - The latest North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit shows the alliance is returning to the 'Cold War scheme', Russia's Foreign Ministry said, insisting the Kremlin is ready to respond to threats using "anyway."

The NATO summit in Lithuania ended with the United States and its allies providing new security guarantees to Ukraine for defenses against Moscow's attacks, more than 500 days after Russia's invasion of its neighboring country.

The summit is also backed by the prospect of joining Sweden with the military alliance as the latest member, after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave the green light.

"The results of the Vilnius summit will be carefully analyzed. By considering the challenges and threats to Russia's security and interests that have been identified, we will respond on time and on time, by using all the ways and methods we have," the ministry said in a statement Wednesday evening.

The summit shows "NATO's inability to adapt to the new geopolitical situation in the world," the statement continued.

NATO has continued to lower the threshold for use of force, increasing political and military tensions.

"Membil arah escalasi, mereka mengeluarkan sejumlah janji baru untuk memasokkan rezim Kyiv dengan lebih banyak senjata modern dan jarak jauh, untuk memperpanjang konflik selama mungkin - sampai habis," terang kementerian itu.

"In addition to the decisions that have been taken, we will continue to strengthen the military organization and the country's defense system," the ministry said.

Earlier on Wednesday, US President Joe Biden accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of having "a great influence of land and power" and praising NATO's unity and support for Ukraine.

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