West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Governor Zulkieflimansyah hopes that the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) will participate in supervising the growing social media (medsos). Including the Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPID) in the regions.
"This means that in the future, not only broadcasting institutions will be the focus of supervision as has been done so far. But also social media," said Zulkieflimansyah during the Socialization of Broadcasting Care Villages in Mataram, NTB, Monday, June 19, which was confiscated by Antara.
He said the development of information technology is growing rapidly. Broadcast media such as radio and television have challenges that are not small, so transformation must be carried out in accordance with the demands of the times.
"The artificial intelligence (AI) technology is increasingly advanced. So the broadcasting commission must be more advanced in managing and responding to social media supervision," he said.
Therefore, Bang Zul hopes that the village heads who attend this activity will continue to build their villages according to their potential by utilizing the existing broadcasting media and social media.
Head of the NTB Information and Statistics Communications Agency (Kominfotik), Najamuddin Amy added, there are 70 broadcasting institutions in NTB currently that consistently provide information and entertainment to the public.
The majority of broadcasting institutions are in villages, so it is very important for village heads to be involved in monitoring broadcasting institutions and participating in building villages through existing broadcasting institutions.
"We see a lot of potential in the village. If it is not published properly, then the potential possessed by the village will become a potential that is only known to a handful of people. So broadcasters in the village must be invited to work together, collaborate in order to be able to report this potential for the good and economic growth of the village community," he said.
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