Saudi Arabia Announces 1 Dzulhijah 1444 Hijri Falls This Monday: Wukuf Arafah June 27, Eid The Next Day
New lunar illustration. (Wikimedia Commons/xlibber)


JAKARTA - The Saudi Arabian authorities set the date of 1 Dzulhijjah 1444 Hijri falls on Monday, as the new moon appears when it is observed, setting the peak of this year's Hajj and this year's Eid al-Adha.

"The Supreme Court announced today, Monday, it will be the first day of the Month of Dzulhijah, according to the Umm al-Qura calendar, to coincide with June 19, 2023, because the Moon's Moon of Dzulhijjah is seen today," the Supreme Court said Sunday, quoted from the SPA News Agency June 19.

"The Supreme Court decided that Wukuf in Arafah falls on Tuesday, the ninth day of this year's Dzulhijah Month, 1444 Hijriah, to coincide with 27 June 2023, and Eid falls the following day, namely Wednesday," continued the announcement.

Previously, Saudi Arabia had called on Muslims in the country to look at the crescent moon that could determine the date for Eid al-Adha 2023, citing ArabianBusiness.

The Supreme Council of the Kingdom said that anyone who sees the crescent moon, either with binoculars or with the naked eye, must contact the appropriate authorities at the nearest institution.

The new moon was seen in Tumair City on Sunday

Unlike Saudi Arabia, the authorities of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Malaysia have announced that Eid al-Adha falls on Thursday 29 June.

NewS The concentrated moon has been watched in Saudi Arabia. See below for key date:- Monday 19th June 2023: 1st Dhul Hijjah 1444- Tuesday 27th June 2023: Day of 'Arafah- Wednesday 28th June 2023: Day of 'Eid

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