BANDAR LAMPUNG - Lampung Regional Police (Polda) rescued 24 people suspected of being prospective Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) from the criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO).
"There were 24 women who were suspected of being PMI candidates who were rescued in a house in Bandarlampung City which was used as temporary shelters," said Deputy Director of General Crimes at the Lampung Police AKBP Hamid Andri Soemantri as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 6.
Pengungkapan kasus ini berawal dari laporan masyarakat terkait adanya tempat yang diduga dijadikan penghungan calon PMI Ilegal atau nonprocedural di Jalan Padat Karya, Kelurahan Rajabasa, Kota Bandar Lampung.
"On the report, officers immediately went to and checked the location and succeeded in bringing 24 PMI candidates to the Lampung Police Headquarters. When asked, they answered that they wanted to become PMI to the Middle East," he said.
The 24 people suspected of being PMI candidates came from several areas, one of which was West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). This is known from their identity card.
"Now we are still exploring the PMI candidates. We are trying to get protection and are now at the Lampung Police Headquarters. They are placed in the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA)," he said.
It is suspected that the PMI candidates will be brought to Java and DKI Jakarta before being dispatched to the destination country.
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"After a search is carried out, it should be suspected that there has been an activity of departing for illegal or non-procedural PMI candidates," he said.
He emphasized that the Lampung Regional Police are committed to eradicating the crime of trafficking in persons by irresponsible parties and trying to save the community from becoming victims of TIP
"Currently, the police are coordinating with BP2MI regarding the women suspected of being non-procedural PMI candidates," he said.
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