The panel of judges at the Medan District Court sentenced the defendant Mawardi to death for a case of couriering 1.3 tons of marijuana.
"The panel of judges decided to the defendant Mawardi with the death penalty," said Chief Judge Yusafrihardi Girsang as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 6.
The panel of judges assessed that the defendant Mawardi violated Article 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.
The defendant was declared by the panel of judges without rights or against the law offering for sale, selling, buying, receiving, intermediary in buying and selling, exchanging, or delivering narcotics class I which weighed more than 5 grams, namely 1.3 tons of marijuana.
"The thing that burdens the defendant is because he does not support the government's program in eradicating narcotics, disturbing the public, and the large number of marijuana-type narcotics, while mitigating matters are not found," said the presiding judge.
After hearing the verdict from the panel of judges, the defendant Mawardi will appeal.
The verdict is the same (conform) with the public prosecutor (JPU) from the Medan District Attorney, Nanom Tatar P. Hutajulu, who previously charged the defendant Mawardi with the death penalty.
Previously, the Public Prosecutor said that on December 11, 2022, around 20.00 WIB the defendant met Bayu (DPO) in Sesik Village, Blangkejeren District, Goyo Lues Regency, Aceh. Then the defendant and Bayu left using 1 unit of black box car number BL 8237-HC.
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The next day, the defendant was contacted by Bayu to come to Palok Village, Blangkejeren District. Arriving at the location, there was already a box car containing marijuana in a burlap sack that had been taped, and there were five people with unknown identities.
Bayu ordered the defendant to go to Cane City with a salary of Rp. 2 million. Bayu and the defendant then met someone in Tambi Village, Putri Betung District, Gayo Lues Aceh Regency, by taking 15 bales of marijuana.
Arriving at Titi Kuning Intersection, Medan Bayu contacted the orderer, ordering the defendant to take himself to the Hajj Dormitory gas station, Jalan AH Nasution Medan.
Arriving at the flyover intersection, Jalan Jamin Ginting, Medan Polrestabes personnel stopped the box car because it was suspicious. After being searched, 366 bal dried marijuana leaves were found weighing 366 kg, and 972 bales of marijuana weighing 972 kg, or a total weight of 1,338 kg and Rp2 million in cash.
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