
The Barelang Police (Batam, Rempang, Galang) destroyed 10 kilograms of methamphetamine and 363 ecstasy pills from May 3 to May 22.

Kapolresta Barelang Kombes Nugroho Tri Nuryanto said, in this case the police arrested 9 suspects.

"There were 9 suspects who were arrested in this case, one of whom was a woman as a suspect in possession of ecstasy pills," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 30. The destruction was carried out at the Barelang Police Headquarters yard, along with elements of the Batam City Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkompinda).

The evidence of methamphetamine that was secured by his party was destroyed by dissolving it in boiling water and mixed with toilet cleaning solutions. Meanwhile, the ecstasy pills were destroyed by means of a blender.

Before being destroyed, the Batam City Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) conducted a trial of methamphetamine and ecstasy, to test the authenticity of the destroyed evidence.

"So before being destroyed, officers from BPOM will test the authenticity of the goods using a narcotics test kit. If the color is purple, it means that it is true drugs," he said.

Nugroho said, based on the deepening carried out by his party, the 10 kg of crystal methamphetamine they secured came from China and was brought via Malaysia.

"The plan will be circulated outside Batam. It is possible to go to the Surabaya area," he said.

The perpetrators were charged with Article 112 paragraphs 1 and 2 in conjunction with Article 114 paragraph 2 with the threat of the death penalty, a maximum of 20 years and a minimum of 5 years.

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