
JAKARTA - Acting Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) M. Mardiono stated that there was no problem if the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno preferred to join the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). Everyone has the freedom to choose in the democratic era. "No, no. We don't have a problem and we won't have a problem," Mardiono told reporters, Monday, May 29. Moreover, PPP and PKS have closeness and even had time to stay in touch before Eid. "This is good democratic growth," said Mardiono. "That between political parties contribute ideas and ideas even though the choices are different, after all, there we will be the same. When we gather in Senayan we will be the same," he continued. Previously, Sandiaga Uno asked all parties to be patient about his decision to dock at PPP or PKS. He will choose in due course. "Friends, just be patient," said Sandi in Jakarta, Monday, May 29. The former Gerindra Party politician added that he had entered the advanced stage to join PPP. Sandi explained that he had already held talks with the Deputy Chairperson of the PPP. "There are still several stages that must be passed, maybe in the next one to two months it will be announced, but of course he opens communication in the mind so that this acceleration of development can be created. That is the main foundation," he said.
Even so, Sandiaga was also reported to have met with the PKS DPP ranks on Tuesday, May 30. When confirmed, he called the meeting to equalize perceptions. "“How can you know. This is still under investigation and of course I want to underline once again that we only have about 15 years in our demographic bonus so that if we change the direction of our development, it will greatly impact Indonesia's advanced target achievement in 2040."

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