The House Of Former Finance Minister Rizal Ramli OTK's Income Claims To Be A Member Of The South Jakarta Police
An unknown man who entered Rizal Ramli's house/Capture the screen


JAKARTA The house of the former Minister of Finance under President Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gusdur, Rizal Ramli (RR) has conceded an unknown person (OTK). The man wearing black clothes claimed to be a member of the South Jakarta Metro Police.

When asked about the purpose of coming to RR's house, the perpetrator did not clearly mention it. This made RR's house security officers angry.

The man's action was caught via amateur video. There was a conversation between security and the perpetrator.

"Brother, what's his name?," said the housekeeper 'Johan,' where did the man come from?, "asked the housekeeper 'Polres,' he said 'positions?', "said the caretaker of the house 'Generally,' he replied' In what context? Edah bang At the house, bro. Rizal ramli is in order to enter without permission, how many people?, "asked the housekeeper That' is enough, just ask the guard Three, yes?, "said security officer Rizal Ramli.. Yes... yes, "he replied.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary ensured that the man who entered Rizal Ramli or RR was not a member.

"It's been checked, not (police)," said Ade in a short message, Thursday, May 24.

Ade again confirmed that the man was not a member of the South Jakarta Metro Police, like what was going viral on social media.

"Not a member of the South Jakarta Metro Police," he concluded.

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