
JAKARTA - The results of the latest survey by the Setara Institute and the Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) noted that 83.3 percent of high school (SMA) students considered Pancasila not a permanent ideology and could be replaced.

"Of course this makes us all concerned. For me, this is one of the results of the amendments to the 1945 Constitution which was carried out in 2002. So that Pancasila is no longer described as the highest legal norm in the nation's Constitution," said Chairman of the Indonesian Regional Representative Council, AA LANyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, Sunday, May 21.

LaNyalla added that he often reminded that what Ki Hajar Dewantoro said on August 31, 1928, could actually happen. And this is one of the proofs in the top of the mind of our children, who in fact are the next generation of the holders of this country's journey, "he said.

As is known, National Education hero Ki Hajar Dewantoro at that time said; 'If we don't teach our students national insight and nationalism, then in the future they will become our opponents'.

LaNyalla also reminded that this nation through TAP MPR Number XVIII/MPR/1998 dated November 13, 1998 has revoked P4 (Commission of Guidelines, Imaginations and Implementation of Pancasila), because it is considered not in accordance with the development of state life.

This is the beginning of this nation being separated from its ideology. The beginning of this nation left Pancasila as the nation's gyrdslag. And the destruction of the collective memory of a nation can indeed be done without the method of military war. But by separating the nation's generation from its ideology," he said.

Therefore, continued LaNyalla, he continued to convey that the Constitution as a result of the reform period was no longer connected between the opening and the existing articles. Because the changes in the articles have reached more than 95 percent.

"And these new articles do not describe the Pancasila ideology. But describe other ideologies, namely the ideology of individualism and liberalism. So it is natural that Indonesia is getting more chaotic and its capitalistic economy only produces oligarchy," he concluded.

Therefore, he continued, I encourage the birth of the National Consensus of all elements of the nation who still care and have nationalism in their chests to agree to return Pancasila as the highest legal norm, which is explained through articles in the Constitution.

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