
JAKARTA - The family of Muhammad Syamil Akbar complained about the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi and the ranks of investigators over the alleged unprofessionalism in handling the accident case to the National Police Propam.

Muhammad Syamil Akbar was the victim who died in the accident case involving Maulama Malik Ibrahim, the son of NTB Regional Police officials and Ira Riswana in the Pasar Minggu area, South Jakarta.

"Kita PBH Jakarta pada hari ini dengan keluarga korban ibunda, melaporkan beberapa orang penyidik yang diduga tidak profesional di Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan. Ada delapan penyidik, dari kasat dan para penyidik yang lain di Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan," ujar pengacara keluarga Syamil, Rizky Sianipar kepada wartawan, Jumat, 14 April.

The complaint was registered with the number SPSP2/002180/IV/2023/BAGYANDUAN, dated April 14.

The alleged unprofessionalism in handling the accident case was because it did not inform the progress of the case. In fact, the family really needs this information.

"Jadi dari 12 Maret sampai sekarang itu tidak ada informasi sama sekali tidak menemui kita, penyidik tidak ada, kita kontak chat whatsapp tak dibales jadi proses perkembangan kita tidak ada sama sekali," ungkapnya.

Then, the investigative team also did not examine the children of NTB Police officers and Ira Riswana who were said to be affected by alcohol while driving.

In fact, the son of a police official is also irresponsible. Because, he immediately ran away after the accident occurred.

"This perpetrator smelled alcohol in the mouth when there was a collision and there was a witness in the field and another at that time the perpetrator was also suspected of running away, there was a witness in the field who said that the perpetrators had been chased by several motorcycle taxi drivers or residents," said Rizky.

With this complaint, it is hoped that the accident case will be thoroughly investigated immediately. Thus, justice can be felt by the whole community.

"So we ask the National Police Headquarters Propam and also the National Police Chief to be of attention, to check whether there is something in this process, because we suspect this, this perpetrator is the son of high-ranking National Police officials with the rank of Kombes," said Rizky.

Syamsil became the victim of the accident when he rode with his friend, Bayu, from Cilandak to his house in the Pasar Minggu area, South Jakarta, on Sunday, March 12, early in the morning.

Suddenly a Mercy driver known to have the initials MMI from Mampang hit a motorbike that was grabbed by Syamsil and Bayu, precisely on Jalan Masjid Almakmur No. 99, Pejaten Timur, Pasar Minggu.

As a result of the accident, Bayu was unconscious and is currently undergoing treatment at Pasar Minggu Hospital. Meanwhile, Syamsil died at the crime scene (TKP).

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