
JAKARTA - Affairs against Dutch power, Soerjopranoto is the champion. Ki Hajar Dewantara's brother was never afraid to defend the fate of the bumiputras. The practice of life was perpetuated a long time ago. The man who was inaugurated as a National Hero by President Soekarno on November 30, 1959, often invited the Dutch or sinyo of Dutch descent to his nation.

The practice of life continued to be perpetuated by Soerjopranoto to adulthood. He dared to put up a body to defend his nation. There is no courage whatsoever. He even dared to tear his educational diploma in front of the Dutch colonialists.

Life as the grandson of Pakualam III is never far from comfort. All kinds of convenience in the Dutch colonial era are easy to get. Even though the other natives were blackmailed like dairy cows. Those who are of constant blood can walk around enjoying life.

They can go to high school. It is also special in finding work. The narrative was present in Soerjopranoto's young life. He and his younger brother Soewardi Soerjaningrat felt the benefits of being able to go to school. Moreover, going to school at that time was often considered expensive in their era.

Everything changed when Soerjopranoto entered Dutch school. He clearly saw how the Dutch to sinyo underestimated the lives of the bumiputras. The beatings became increasingly massive. Soerjopranoto also took a stand.

He did not want his nation to be underestimated. The narrative made him often cause trouble by fighting. Every day the incident continued to repeat itself. Therefore, Soerjopranoto considered the colonial colonialists as enemies that must be fought.

He was also able to pass, but his attitude did not change. All of this was proven when he was given the power to work as a colonial government employee in Yogyakarta. He did not want to defend the Dutch colonialists, but to help the natives in all kinds of difficulties.

As a result, he often caused trouble in the government. He repeatedly argued with Dutch employees. Dutch colonizers took a stand. Soerjopranoto was also transferred to various places. The result was nil. His attitude remains against the wishes of the Dutch.

The Dutch also took the initiative to give Soerjapranoto the opportunity to attend an agricultural school in Buitenzorg (Bogor). In fact, the education made him meet many freedom fighters. He also began to enter the national movement organization Budi Utomo, then Sarekat Islam.

There was also RM Soerjopranoto (Ki Hajar Dewantara's brother) who was required by the Dutch government to study there. Soerjopranoto managed to finish his school in 1907. The reason why he was sent to the school was because the Dutch East Indies Government considered Soerjopranoto to always make a lot of work.

Among other things, attached to Dutch officials who he considered rude and insulting in Tubang. Apparently, the school did not deter him from continuing to mobilize indigenous workers so that if necessary, he would strike for work so that he was nicknamed De Staking Koening (King of Strikes), explained JB Sudarmanto in the book Politis Dignity: Biography IJ Kasimo(2011).

Soerjopranoto carried out his education until he successfully graduated. The Dutch began placing him in the Agricultural Counseling and Information Service in Wonosobo in 1914. The placement was indeed planned. The Dutch did not want Soerjopranoto to return to his hometown, Yogyakarta and make trouble.

However, it is not Soerjopranoto whose name is if he is unable to get a stage in Wonosobo. He still perpetuates his agenda to support the interests of the little people, rather than the interests of the Dutch. The actions are proof that he stands among the natives in the archipelago.

His tenacity to defend the bumiputras was evident when the Dutch began to fire employees. Soerjopranoto did not accept it. Moreover, when Assistant Wedana Temanggung was fired for entering Sarekat Islam. The reason for the Dutch was considered illogical.

His anger caught fire. He went to the Banyumas Assistant Resident. The debate was presented. However, the Dutch employee did not want to hear Soerjopranoto's narrative. As a form of annoyance, his colleagues from HOS Tjokroaminoto and Agus Salim issued a letter of appointment and diploma.

The two were torn apart in front of Dutch officials. Since then he made a promise not to work for the Dutch government. Alias, Soerjopranoto began to strengthen his steps to'm Waqf' himself for the struggle to defend the weak. Therefore, he is widely remembered by the Indonesian people as a National Hero who has contributed to the nation, especially for the workers.

Soerjopranoto, who at that time was the Head of the Wonosobo Agriculture Service, rushed to come and hit the Banyumas Resident Assistant and demanded justice for his colleague's arbitrary actions. After several moments of exciting debate, Soerjopranoto regretted that there was no point in arguing with this colonial apparatus. At that time he also issued a Letter of Appointment of Position and Certificate from the Middelbare landbouwschool (Agricultural School) to be raided in front of this colonial magnification, and made a pledge: since now I do not want to work for the Dutch government."

Raise Jauharin Insyiah Soerjopranoto who always accompanied her husband calmly and patiently collected the diplomas and put them back home on arrival. Not because of the hope that one day her husband would work again with the colonial government, but knowingly he wanted to participate in recording history, that since then her husband's struggle had been plenary on a non-compromised path," said Ki Hajar Dewantara's son, Bambang Sukawati in the book Raja Mogok RM Soerjopranoto: A Book of Memories (1983).

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