
JAKARTA History today, 194 years ago, October 14, 1829, the colonial government of the Dutch East Indies arrested Prince Diponegoro Raden Ayu Mankarawati's mother. The detention was perpetuated in order to deflate Diponegoro's resistance in the Java War (185-1830).

Previously, Prince Diponegoro's resistance was underestimated by the Dutch. The idea won't be big. The assumption is a big mistake. The whole island of Java actually stands for Diponegoro. Mainly, the scholars.

The cooperation between the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the Netherlands irritated many. Prince Diponegoro, especially. He saw for himself how Patih Danurejo IV, whose uncle in fact made Sultan Hamengkubuwono IV like a doll.

Patih korupsi itu kemudian menjalin hubungan baik dengan Belanda. Semua macam keinginan Belanda diikutikannya. Meskipun menyekansakan rakyat. Ia memaksa rakyat Yogyakarta membawa pajak besar dan baji lainnya.

Diponegoro was furious. He had humiliated his uncle because he was corrupt and greedy. Diponegoro slapped him with a selfie and witnessed by many people. Danurejo's hatred for Diponegoro is getting worse.

Ulam's beloved pinnacle arrived. The Dutch asked Danurejo to run a new road construction project. In fact, Danurejo IV played for the land of the people of Yogyakarta. He also deliberately grabbed Diponegoro land and his ancestors.

Danurejo installed the soil benchmarks on the orders of the Dutch. Diponegoro's anger was unbearable. The markers were lifted and replaced with spears. Like a sign of hostility. Diponegoro did not want to be underestimated. He then tried to unite the leaders of the whole of Java. From prince to cleric.

The result shocked the Dutch. The Javanese war which harmed the Dutch massively occurred. Since then the whole of Java seemed to perpetuate the resistance against the Dutch.

On July 28, 1825, Diponegoro gathered several aristocrats, namely Prince Mangkubumi, Prince Adinegoro, Prince of Panular, Adiwinoto, Suryodipuro, Blitar, Kiai Mojo, Prince Ronggo, Ngabehi Mangunharjo, and Prince of Surenglogo. The first thing Diponegoro did was order Joyomenggolo, Bahusyuda, and Hanggowikromo, to mobilize villagers around Selarong to be ready to fight..

"Furthermore, Diponegoro is drafting a strategic plan and tactical steps. Broadly speaking, Diponegoro plans to seize and control the entire territory of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta, expel the Dutch and Chinese people," wrote Nugroho Notosusanto and his friends in the book National History of Indonesia Volume IV (2008).

Diponegoro's resistance is getting more massive. The Dutch also lost a lot. All kinds of trading agendas became disrupted. The power of attorney then focused on repelling the Javanese Prince's resistance. The Dutch tried to perpetuate their full strength.

This strategy made Diponegoro loyalists arrested one by one. The Dutch then arrested Diponegoro's mother on October 14, 1829. The arrest was made with the aim of decomposing Prince Diponegoro's power.

A big moment for Errembault (Dutcholder) only occurred on October 14, 1829, when he managed to arrest Diponegoro's mother, Raden Ayu Manangkarawati, and his daughter, Raden Ayu Wet, in a village (Karangwuni, Glagah) near the beach south of Kulon Progo. In this arrest, he acted like a dignified man.

He allowed the women of Diponegoro's relatives to keep their personal belongings, a three-pound solid gold door-stack (1.36 kilograms) and personal jewelry, including several diamond rings and earrings, as well as a small heirloom or mandated keris," said historian Peter Carey and Faris A. Noor in the book Ras, Power, and Colonial Violence in the Dutch East Indies 1808-1830(2022).

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