
JAKARTA Today's history, 112 years ago, October 10, 1911, the Chinese Revolution, known as the 1911 Revolution which toppled the Qing Dynasty began in Wuchang City. The revolution was spearheaded by a major explosion at the warehouse of the revolutionary headquarters in Wuchang City.

The bomb that erupted accidentally like a sign of a revolutionary gong. The revolutionarys moved to control many cities in China. Previously, the Chinese revolutionarys were fed up with the monarchy. There is the name Sun Yat Sen behind it.

Monarki often acts disturbingly. That's what the whole of China felt. They consider the existence of the Qing Dynasty (Manchu) to be too long. Justice and people's welfare are rare items. Especially when the Qing Dynasty government was famous for being corrupt.

This power further fosters a very deep hatred. The educated people began to move to promote change. Sun Yat Sen, one of them. The echo of Sun Yat Sen's struggle against the Chinese monarchy is second to none.

He, who has a family, is classified as a pioneer in the resistance movement against the monarchy. He was even able to pursue higher education. Sun was sent to Hawaii to study by his family. However, fate brought him back to China.

His sensitivity to the Chinese people began to open up. He witnessed for himself how the monarchy's strength was oppressing the Chinese people. Corrupt too. He continued his education at the Kong Collage of Medicine for Chinese.

He was able to accompany the doctor's education. He then opened a practice and often gathered among educated people. The ideas to overthrow the ruler were born. He and his friends founded an organization for Chinese reform, Xingzhonghui (Revivive China Society) in 1894.

The presence of the organization has made more and more young educated people join. Efforts to overthrow the government continue to roll out. Even though some of them ended in failure. Sun Yat Sen did not give up.

He continued to promote his resistance. Even the ruler of the Qing Dynasty considers Sun Yat Sen the most dangerous rebel figure in China. He was hunted. Life or death.

The unique republic was initiated by Sun Yat Sen or Sun Wu (1866-1925), a doctor who turned to politics. From deep concern, seeing corruption rampant, the country slumped, and the people oppressed, in 1894. Sun Wu wrote a petition to the Young King Qing, Li Hongzhang, and explained his ideas about restoring the country's glory, eradicating corruption, and prospering the people, but his thoughts were rejected.

Disappointed because he felt underestimated, in the same year Sun founded the Chinese Revolution Alliance, which continues to evolve into Tong Mei Hui (Chinese Alliance Society) in Japan. The main goal is to establish a republican government, "explained Jusra Chandra in the book China: Classical Heritage and Dynamical Power that Vibrates the World (2020).

Failure did not discourage him. Sun Yat Sen continues to perpetuate efforts so that the monarchy collapses. He also fled to Japan to the United States to seek capital for revolution while avoiding the pursuit of the power of power. However, in the midst of the capital search, the revolution accidentally rolled around.

One of the fighters was noted to be learning to mixows in the revolutionary warehouse in Wuchang City on October 9, 1911. In fact, they made the wrong oil which led to a severe explosion. Local security officers were seen checking the scene.

The flag of the revolutionarys and also the record of movement was obtained. Instead of the revolutionarys stepping down, they have already been involved. The only option is to fight back, compared to them being secured by security officers one by one. The Chinese revolution erupted on October 10, 1911.

The power of the revolutionarys, as many as thousands of people, began to control the city of Wuchang. They attacked with the spirit of Sun Yat Sen. After that they began to control other cities. The revolution lasted for months. The breakthrough of the revolution then destroyed the dominance of Qing's Dinasti power until February 1912.

Feeling that it was wet, the revolutionarys decided to move immediately. Moreover, their strength has reached more than 5 thousand people, equipped with weapons and powder. Moreover, the New Forces that strengthened the city of Wuchang were being sent to Sichuan to extinguish the riots there. So, on October 10, 1911, a major rebellion broke out in Wuchang.

The rebel forces managed to penetrate the defense of the army ammunition warehouse in Wuchang, and occupied the arsenal to retrieve the weaponry in it. Now their position is above the wind, plus there is news that the revolutionarys in Hanyang and Hankou (both in Hubei) also took up arms to rebel, "said Michael Wicaksono in the book Republic of China (2015).

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