JAKARTA Memories of today, eight years ago, September 26, 2015, Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) addressed the UN General Assembly Session. He revealed that Indonesia is fully committed to adopting sustainable development (SDGs) in the UN style.
Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his deputy, JK had prepared an important assessment of sustainable development in Indonesia. This wish was then stated in two important programs. Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) and Smart Indonesia Card (KIP).
Jokowi-JK's victory in the 2014 presidential election contest was greeted with great fanfare. Both are considered symbols of change for Indonesia. Because, Jokowi-JK has experience as a state official to develop Indonesia in a better direction.
The narrative proves when Jokowi-JK was inaugurated as the new President and Vice President of Indonesia on October 20, 2014. The inauguration of Jokowi-JK made the desire to build the nation and state peak. Both want to build Indonesia following the message from national figures. Bung Karno, especially.
Jokowi-JK wants to build a large, strong, prosperous, and peaceful country. Then, the whole of Indonesia will be invited by Jokowi-JK to sail to face all kinds of existing problems. The narrative is not just an empty message.
Jokowi-JK tries to position themselves under the will of the people and the constitution. Their desire to build Indonesia sustainably began to be seriously discussed. Jokowi-JK also presented magic cards, KIP and KIS. This step is considered by Jokowi-JK as an important part of sustainable development.
Both of them consider that the great people are the people who have good education and excellent health. The two studies were not able to run alone, but must be carried out simultaneously. So that the ideals of Pancasila in the second precept, a just and civilized humanity are truly realized.
The priority of this KIP spread will be centered in provinces where the poverty rate tends to be high. The target is for places that are in dire need, with a large poverty rate, in NTT, Papua and other areas. KIS can be used by residents who are unable to get health services for free.
"The KIS program will run with the Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS). Both are not contradicting. BPJS is the institution, the system uses a card system. In fact, the KIS program will strengthen BPJS because it makes it easier for the public to get health check rights," Jokowi explained as compiled by Michael Umbas in the book Solution Jokowi (2014).
The commitment to development was later revealed at the UN General Assembly in New York, United States on September 26, 2015. The United Nations at that time was proclaiming 17 sustainable development goals, or in English it was referred to as the Sustainable Development Goals abbreviated to the SDGs. From povertyless to without hunger.
Indonesia, then represented by JK, then revealed through a speech at the UN pulpit that Indonesia was committed to adopting continued UN-style development along with its steps. JK sees that commitment can be adopted and even adapted as soon as possible.
This belief is because Indonesia already has a program for sustainable development. KIS and KIP, for example. JK then hopes that the SDGs can make Indonesia a great nation and be able to bridge international partnerships with other countries.
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In this regard, Indonesia has, among other things, reduced state spending on fuel subsidies and increased budget allocations for social development programs, such as KIS and KIP, to provide better access to poor households for health and education services.
"And third, I want to emphasize the need to strengthen global partnerships. The agendas above require an inclusive global partnership to encourage the growth of facilities for its implementation, while still paying attention to national development conditions and priorities," said JK in his speech as quoted by the vice presidentri.go.id page, September 26, 2015.
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