
JAKARTA Memories of today, 13 years ago, September 2, 2010, the Vice President (Vice President) of Indonesia, Boediono went down the mountain to overcome the congestion of Jakarta. This desire was perpetuated because he considered the leader of Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo (Foke) to be not optimal.

Previously, traffic congestion began to appear in the 1960s-1970s. This development is because Jakarta has become the center of government. People flock to Jakarta. This condition makes users of public and private transportation increase.

The city of Jakarta has an important meaning in the history of the journey of the Indonesian nation. Many historical events that have taken place in Jakarta since time immemorial. The proclamation of Indonesian independence also took place in Jakarta.

This special position made all national figures want to beautify Jakarta's face. The peak of Jakarta to beautify itself took place during the era of Ali Sadikin's leadership. The governor of DKI Jakarta, who served from 1966-1977, proved his capacity as a leader with integrity.

Jakarta has grown the most in its era. Ali was also hailed as the best Governor of DKI Jakarta of all time. Ali Sadikin's achievements are indeed great. However, that doesn't mean without problems. Jakarta, which is growing rapidly, actually brings new problems.

The flow of arrivals from local people to Jakarta complained about the fate of increasing sharply. As a result, transportation users also increased. From public to private transportation. Problems arise. Jakarta becomes jammed and sumpek.

Ali Sadikin was not silent. he tried all kinds of studies to make Jakarta free from traffic jams. He began to perpetuate road widening, banning rickshaw pullers, and adding a lot of public transportation. The recitation did not go smoothly. Sometimes when he got angry when people who didn't want to work together for Jakarta were better.

Governor Ali Sadikin also pays attention to the traffic system in Jakarta. To smooth the flow of traffic which is the access to trade and financial centers, Glodok, which is jammed every day. Ali Sadikin accepted the proposal to widen Jalan Gajah Mada and Jalan Hayam Wuruk. But the staff reminded, Mr. Gub, if we widen the road, then we must provide compensation for land and buildings.

Ali Sadikin kicked off: we will widen the road without compensation. Seeing Ali Sadikin speaking out loud, no one dared to speak anymore. Then Ali Sadikin asked the authorities, from the sub-district head to the village head, assisted by the head of the neighborhood and RT to socialize the road widening plan. Thankfully the residents can accept this idea," said Wardiman Djodjonegoro in the book Along the Way of Memories (2016).

The problem of congestion did not stop when Ali Sadikin's tenure as the leader of Jakarta ran out. The successor seemed overwhelmed against the congestion in Jakarta. Many solutions are perpetuated. However, no one is able to overcome congestion.

Moreover, when Jakarta led by Foke. The Jakarta leader does have many programs to tackle traffic jam problems in Jakarta. The result was not satisfactory. Instead of being successful, Foke was unable to stem the problem of congestion that had been chronic.

This failure made many parties furious. Indonesian Vice President, Boediono, one of them. He feels that as a country leader he has a moral responsibility to free Jakarta from traffic jams. He did not want to depend on Foke's steps. Even because Jakarta is the face of Indonesia.

He also began preparing his assessment to free Jakarta from traffic jams at the Vice President's Office on September 2, 2010. Unmitigated, Boediono immediately included 17 steps for Jakarta to be free of traffic jams. From the addition of the busway, electronic road pricing (ERP), to rearranging of the railway line.

All the studies are expected to be carried out as soon as possible by all parties. From the ministry level to the DKI Jakarta government. Even so, the move still did not bring significant changes.

"The existence of the Jabodetabek train will also be rearranged considering that the current route is considered unable to optimally transport passengers," added Special Staff Budiono for Mass Media, Yopie Hidayat, as quoted by Antara, September 2, 2010.

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