
JAKARTA - Gambling often makes Dutch trading airline VOC experience a dilemma in Batavia. One side of gambling presents abundant profits. The other side of gambling can damage the morale of Europeans. As a result, gambling addiction can infect many people.

The Governor General of the VOC was Federik Durven, for example. He even had a big debt at the gambling table and paid it by force. Revenge ensued. He punished the debt giver. Then, he became the perfect embodiment of the debt holder more fiercely than the debt collector.

Batavia's economic wheels (now: Jakarta) were once made dependent on the Chinese. Life is lasting because the Company believes the Chinese can be the backbone of the colony's development. They are given the privilege of doing anything in Batavia. From stonemen to traders.

The Company also frees them to carry out all celebrations to entertainment. Gambling, especially. The Company grants permission for Chinese people to perpetuate gambling activities. Among other things, dice games, cards, pos, and posing.

All because of the great passion for gambling profits. Permits for the establishment of a gambling house are easy. Instead of being difficult, permits for the establishment of a gambling house can be obtained easily during a large 'pelicin money' as an invitation.

In fact, gambling is not only a monopoly of the Chinese people. The presence of gambling houses also attracted the interest of all kinds of ethnic groups. Europeans, especially. At first, it was possible for Europeans to be prohibited from entering Chinese gambling houses. However, over time the rule did not apply. All because ethnic groups are free to make their own gambling houses.

Who has money, can make a gambling house. Religious figures also perpetuated the protests. They are outraged by gambling activities that destroy European morale. They asked the Company to take firm action. Even though it was impossible. How could the Company refuse activities that could bring in the second largest tax revenue after the head tax?

Despite the many acts of violence and noise, gambling in Batavia remains rampant because it is unable to be eradicated so that it is better to use it by collecting taxes. From Kasteel Batavia's record of how on the first day of every new year, gambling permits are sold to Chinese citizens who give the highest offer.

The auction of gambling permits was carried out in the main room of Kasteel Batavia in front of regional prosecutors and judges of the Private Class Court. Monthly records show that gambling rental money is the number two income after head tax and far exceeds the market and shop rental money: the amount ranges from 700 and 1,200 reals per month, "said historian Hendrik E. Niemeijer in the book Batavia: Colonial Society of the XVII Century (2012).

Passion became rich in a short time eliminating anyone. High-ranking VOC official, Diedirerik Durven, for example. Durven is desperate for gambling. He is willing to bet all the money he has to be able to enjoy gambling.

One time he perpetuated gambling at the house of Kapitan Malayu, Wanderellah. Durven really enjoyed the gambling being played. His entire wealth tries to be at stake in the hope of winning a lot from gambling.

Far from fire. Durven's hopes missed. His entire wealth ran out at the gambling table and he was forced to owe it to Wanderellah. As a result, Wandoellah confiscated Durven's horse carriage and servant. Wandoellah asked Durven to walk home to take the ransom.

The treatment made Durven furious. Moreover, Durven had asked for convenience so that the payment could be made another day. Wandollah insisted. He wanted the debt to be paid right away. Durven's dignity was trampled on. Durven went home to take the money by harboring a friendly grudge.

The grudge actually came back to light when Durven was able to occupy the seat of Governor General of the VOC in 1729. He also engineered to make Wanderelah make just one mistake. Momentum finally happened. Wanderellah is considered to have committed a serious violation of the law in Batavia. The details are unknown. Because suddenly Wandoellah has been arrested.

Durven, who was immediately hurt, immediately sentenced Wandoellah. He was detained for a moment and then exiled to Sri Lanka. Durven was not satisfied with it. All kinds of assets of Wandoellah money up to his land, Kampung Melayu were also confiscated by Kompeni. The grudge is proof that the debt payer is actually more fierce than debt collectors.

"This is the Governor-General in question who during his reign (1729-1732) committed various actions that were inappropriate for a supreme leader in the colony. One of the victims was Wandoellah, the son of Kapitan Melayu before, Wan Abdul Bagus at Meester Cornelis (now: Jatinegara). "

"Wandoellah was exiled to exile in Sri Lanka in 1729 just because he dared to collect the debt of the Governor-General of the VOC to him during a gambling game. Diedy Durven himself was fired on October 9, 1731, but only actually dropped in 1732," said Mona Lohanda historian in the book History of the Magnifiers Regulating Batavia (2007).

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