JAKARTA - IDN Pictures announced their latest horror film, the Queen of Magic which will soon be produced. This film is directed by Fajar Nugros and produced by Susanti Dewi which will feature a number of well-known Indonesian actors and actresses.
The cast of the film Queen Magic is Raihaanun, Clara Bernadeth, Morgan Oey, and Aurra Kharisma. The film Queen Magic is inspired by a Javanese folklore that tells the curse of women Bahu Laweyan.
Laweyan's shoulder is a nickname given to women who have a twenty-five rupiah coin size on their left shoulder. The word laweyan comes from the word Java Selawe, which means 25, suggesting that this myth has existed for a long time.
The original story varies, but people believe the sign is inhabited by jinn or demons, who will kill any man who has sex with the Women Bahu Laweyan.
With the premise of this legendary story, Queen Magic displays a narrative between women's powers through the two main characters of women.
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"As a female producer guarding this film project, I feel the need to bring a narrative about how the patriarchal order is still rooted in our lives and social judgment against women is still so inherent," said Susanti Dewi.
"Queen of Magic will combine Javanese mystical and klenics with various 'player' ornaments found in fairy tales and legends that are well known to the public," said director Fajar Nugros.
As a first collaboration, Raihaanun expressed his enthusiasm for filming in his latest film.
This is the first time I have worked with Mas Nugros, Mbak Santi, and IDN Pictures. As an actor, I always believe in the power of the story in the script. It was also what determined me to join a film project. Hopefully 'Queen of Magic' can be a satisfying entertainment for viewers in theaters next year, "said Raihaanun.
In addition, it is not yet known when the film Queen Magic will hit Indonesian cinemas.
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