
JAKARTA - The couple Irwansyah and Zaskia Sungkar admitted that their son, Ukkasya Muhammad Syahki, was entering the preoperation stage or stage imitating a person's way of speaking and behaving.

Seeing this, Zaskia as a mother said that now she and Irwansyah must be more careful in saying or doing something in front of Ukkasya.

"Right now, it's like the most expensive time, in my opinion, we as parents really focus on exemplifying. So like this, I really feel like Irwan said whatever we said, what we did he really copy paste," said Zaskia Sungkar in the Ampera area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, October 18.

"So for me it's a very big responsibility, so I have to be really careful in speaking, I also have to be careful when I behave, don't get me wrong," he continued.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for Zaskia to often get many questions from Ukkasya about various things. This is because Ukkasya's level of curiosity is high.

"Because I feel that this will start in the critical phase, he will ask 'what do you mean? Why is it like this?' He's been around for 2.5 years now but he's been asking about it, he's curious, right, he wants to know it's also high," he continued.

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