
JAKARTA - Angel Karamoy shocked the public with his latest upload. He uploaded a photo with his two children, Lovely Rumangkang and Junio Rumangkang through his personal Instagram account.

His two children appeared compact wearing black clothes. Lovely and Junio are now growing up as teenagers who inherited the beauty of Angel Karamoy.

Recently, the sexy artist took a vacation with her two children in Bali. The photos uploaded by Angel Karamoy also received praise from those around him that he looked very young.

After the divorce, Angel Karamoy never showed the progress of his children. He uploaded more photos of himself who was working or doing photo shoots.

Today, Friday, October 13, Angel uploaded photos with her two children in a casual black dress. Lovely also wears clothes similar to her mother and wears glasses while smiling.

Junio, who was standing in the middle, looks casual in all white and gray clothes. While folding his hands, Junio's height seems to have beaten Angel Karamoy, who is now standing on Junio's shoulders.

In several other photos, Angel and Lovely put on a fedora hat and pose together. It's really like a bet in split by two!

Netizens who saw their togetherness were amazed by Angel Karamoy who looked young. Not even a few who call them like brothers on vacation. Agree?

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