
JAKARTA - The names of Yadi Sembako and Gus Anom were dragged into cases of fraud and embezzlement reported by 2 people at once, namely Muhammad Adri Permana and Ade Amelia Napitupulu recently.

His name and friend were dragged along, Gus Anom in a press conference said he apologized both to Yadi Sembako and Yadi's family. He admitted that he had tried to do good faith with the help of his attorney.

"I, as the Commissioner (PT Gudang Artist), I apologize to Yadi and his family. My good faith is done, I have helped with my lawyer," said Gus Anom when met in Sudirman, Central Jakarta, Monday, October 9.

In addition, Gus Anom also asked Adri and Ade Amelia not to disturb Yadi Sembako. This is due to Yadi's uncertain health condition.

"I ask for help, clean up Yadi's name, don't help this child get sick. Don't be disturbed, Yadi, he gets sugar," said Gus Anom.

It is known that Gus Anom and Yadi Sembako were reported for cases of alleged fraud and embezzlement at the South Tangerang Metro Police and caused a total loss of more than Rp 500 million from two different parties.

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