YOGYAKARTA As you age, metabolism naturally decreases. That means that calories catch fire more slowly in energy. In men, testosterone decreases with age and decreases in metabolism. This may make you less actively move so that it has the potential to reduce muscle mass and make calorie burning more difficult. In addition, daily calorie food consumption also contributes to increasing the size of the waist circumference. Well, located at the waist and around important organs, visceral fat or visceral fats that experts say are fats that have the potential to increase risk factors for heart disease, blood pressure, blood sugar, and total cholesterol levels.
Visceral fat is different from subcutaneous fat which is right under the skin. This subcutaneous fat is collected under the skin that can be pinched. It seems that this type of fat causes only a small amount of health problems, the opposite of visceral fat.
"When you consume extra calories and don't burn them, the calories will eventually be stored as fat, and eventually it will accumulate," said Dr. Caroline Apopian, director of the Center for Weight Management and Health at Harvard reported by Harvard Health, Thursday, October 5.
The biggest problem is where the fat ends. If subcutaneous fat is not too harmful to health while visceral fat increases the risk factor of disease, it is important for you to know how to calculate body fat levels. Visceral fat generally only accounts for about 10 percent of a person's total body fat. However, the risk is too great if you accumulate too much around the waist and vital organs.
How to calculate visceral fat, the most accurate is with MRI. However, the cost of this test is very expensive, especially if it is not covered by health insurance. So, you can measure it through the Body Mass Index (BMI) which provides reasonable estimates using high comparisons and weight.
According to doctor Aspivian, the way to calculate the visceral fat is at the waist size. Obviously further, a man whose waist size is more than 101.6 centimeters has more visceral fat. Doctor Apopian also explained that if the belt increases by one hole, it is not certain that your body weight will increase. However, it is important to continue to monitor and be careful so you don't miss it.
For the management of the waist circumference, you can continue to monitor with a gauge ribbon. To do this, place the end of the gauge ribbon at the top of the right hip bone and then circle it past the navel and meet circular numbers. If more than 101.6 centimeters, then it is considered an excess of visceral fat on men.
The best way to fight fat that risks causing this disease is by practicing aerobics, exercising strength, and eating a healthy diet. But keep in mind, visceral fat can disappear slowly if you run a healthy program according to the advice of health experts.
اقرأ أيضا:
Doctor Apopian recommends, do a combination of moderate-intensity aerobic exercises for 30 minutes to one hour 2-3 times a week. You can add two loading training sessions or endurance to increase muscle mass. This combination will help burn calories and take advantage of visceral fat deposits. In addition, run a healthy diet with more plant food consumption and daily protein of at least 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.
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