
JAKARTA - Actress Laura Basuki will return to play in the big screen film titled Sleep Call. The film will air on September 7 tomorrow. At a press conference, Laura thanked the trust given by the director and producer for this film. Although he explained that the role in this film is very complicated.

"I feel very grateful to be met with Dina's role through Mas Fajar Nugros (director), Ms. Santi (producer)," said Laura Basuki in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, September 6.

"I'm happy to be working on a pretty complicated scenario, happy to be working with the amazing crew in this film. This is one of the most complicated roles I've worked on," he continued.

Therefore, to enter into her character, Laura admits that she thinks more. Because what is experienced by his role in the film has never been experienced by himself.

A lot of thinking. Actually what Dina experienced was quite far from me. I've never experienced what Dina experienced, never felt what Dina felt," he said.

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