JAKARTA - Actress Syifa Hadju will again decorate the big screen of Indonesian cinema with the title "Please Pray for Blessing". In this film, Syifa will compete acting with Jefri Nichol who plays her lover.
Syifa will play Mel, while Jefri Nichol plays Satya. The film will be screened on October 26.
On one occasion, Syifa told about the character she played. Where, Syifa became a woman who was more dominant than Jefri Nichol.
Even so, Syifa revealed that her character in this film with her original is very inversely proportional. He admitted that his true nature was more obedient and quiet when he was with his original lover, Rizky Nazar.
"I'm with my partner, my partner is really fun. I just obey, just stay silent, still being directed over him. Maturely, boys are more mature and direct than girls, right," said Syifa Hadju in the Kemang area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, September 5.
But this does not apply if he needs to discuss with his girlfriend. He will ask Rizky to give his opinion on the problems he is facing.
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"Depends on again, what is the situation. If you're eating or what, that's it. But in a situation where I really need his opinion, he has to talk," he continued.
"At this point because we have been in a relationship for a long time, we understand each other. He and I also understand each other," he said.
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