
YOGYAKARTA The prone sleeping position can actually provide a number of benefits such as easing snoring and relieves breathing. However, this sleeping position is not recommended, why? Here are some reasons why you can't sleep on your stomach as you need to know.

Summarized from various sources, one of the reasons why you can't sleep on your stomach is because this sleeping position can cause neck pain.

In order to breathe with the match while sleeping on the stomach, the head must be lifted and faced with the sampung direction.

Well, if this position is carried out continuously, it is risky to make the muscles in the neck tense, causing neck pain.

When a person sleeps on his stomach, the position of the spine or back will be curved. If left unchecked, this curved back will make the spine tense and stiff, resulting in back pain.

So that over time, in addition to pain, this condition will make your back feel tingling or a sensation of numbness.

Apart from being caused by age-added factors, the appearance of wrinkles on the face can also be caused by sleeping on the stomach

When you sleep on your stomach, your face sticks directly to the pillow or mattress. This condition will result in pressure on the facial skin. If the pressure occurs every night, it risks causing wrinkles on the face that can interfere with your appearance.

The sleeping position on your stomach can also worsen the symptoms of stomach acid. When you stand or sit upright, gravity helps prevent acid in your stomach from rising back up your throat.

However, when you sleep on your stomach, gravity is not there to help you, so stomach acid is easier to rise and disturb your sleep.

In addition to being able to cause various health problems in adults, sleeping on your stomach is also very dangerous for babies. Sudden Infantry Death Syndrome (SIDS) or sudden infant mortality without knowing is one of the fatal risks that can occur in a baby lying on its stomach.

A number of studies have concluded that while sleeping on your stomach, the baby's nose can be covered with a mattress or pillow. So that this condition causes breathing to be disturbed and the baby will lack oxygen.

How To Overcome Sleeping Habits

After knowing the reason why we can't sleep on our stomach, here we will explain how to overcome these bad habits:

That's information about the reason why you can't sleep on your stomach. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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