
JAKARTA - The brawl between school gangs is one of the striking scenes presented by the film Galaxies. There are two gangs, namely Ravispa led by the Galaxy (Bryan Domani) and Avegar led by Robert (Omara Esteghlal).

Bryan Domani, who previously played the action scene, admitted that he was quite difficult with the brawl in the Galaxy. The reason is, the fighting style in this film is different.

"I played action several times, but this is a pretty new action. Here the action is not beautiful with the choreography, but here it is more like street children, it can be one against two or one against a ramean," said Bryan Domani when met in Antasari, South Jakarta on Tuesday, August 22.

"The action scene here is something new for me," he continued.

Luckily, the workshop and the training that was carried out were enough to make the cast succeed in doing the brawl scene quite well. In addition, there is also a team that is especially prepared during filming.

"Alhamdulillah, we have a month's workshop, before taking we also have training, there are also stand-ins that help. Indeed, tired, but satisfied after seeing the results," said Bryan.

Speaking of brawls, other actors also feel that the scenes presented in the film are something new. Omara Esteghlal, who was spent in high school abroad, admitted that she had no experience at all about brawls between schools.

"There is no brawl, I happen to be in high school or not in Indonesia. Maybe something similar in terms of search for the meaning of life. There may be romance, there are some similarities," said Omara.

"But yes, it was the flash of high school teenagers who made the film fun," he added.

Meanwhile, Abraham's imagination, even though he attended Indonesia, had never experienced any brawls between schools. However, he admitted that there were still some students who formed groups or gangs in schools.

"If I go to high school, there won't be a brawl, but if there are groups, it's like futsal children, basketball children and others," said Amaya.

Meanwhile, the film Galaxies tells the story of a high school student named Galaxies, who is also the head of the RAVISPA motorcycle gang from Ganesha High School who falls in love with Kejora, the Paskibra girl at the school.

Their closeness sparked conflict with the Paskibra gang, and even bigger with the Avegar gang. The RAVISPA gang frontman sees love makes the Galaxy weak and not as fresh as usual.

A big incident ensued, one of the pillars of the RAVISPA was beaten by the Avegar gang and admitted to the hospital. Kejora is also threatened with failing from the Paskibra selection.

Galaxies and Kejora are in a confusing circle. Their love is surrounded from all over, and must be faced with conflict and challenges.

Apart from Bryan Domani and Mawar de Jongh, the Galactic film also stars Abraham, Prince Lantang, Fadly Faisal, Omara Esteghlal, Zoul Pandjoul, and a number of other young actors.

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