
JAKARTA - Tora Sudiro accompanied by his wife, Mieke Amalia, delivered his mother's body to final resting place at the Tanah Kusir Public Cemetery, South Jakarta on Sunday, August 20.

As is known, Tora Sudiro's mother, Dyah Setyoutami Sudiro died of pneumonia on Saturday, August 19 at 15.43 WIB.

"So, this Sunday the funeral was held at Tanah Kusir, went smoothly and there were no obstacles whatsoever. Hopefully she will be accepted in God's side," said Tora Sudiro after his mother's funeral.

Tora Sudiro was flattered by the many people who accompanied his late mother to the funeral. He believes that his mother is a good person who has wide association.

"My mother is a good person, so her friends are everywhere and from all walks of life. I'm happy to see everyone get together," said Tora Sudiro.

On the same occasion, Mieke Amalia revealed that her mother-in-law was a lovely person.

"Thank God, she is not an annoying mother-in-law. She is a good mother-in-law, caring, loves me and her grandchildren," said Mieke Amalia.

"There's nothing that makes us upset. Mama is relaxed, doesn't talk much, when she talks it's very smooth and gentle. So, her character is nice," she continued.

Remembering the figure of the deceased, Tora and Mieke mentioned a message they remembered before their mother passed away to the Creator.

"I only have to take care of my father and his grandchildren, and keep the children together, love each other," said Tora Sudiro.

"The most important thing is my father. He's much older than mom, his condition is also old. Mom is 80 percent who takes care of my father, from food, medicine and other activities, everything, mom takes care all. There must be a loss," concluded Mieke Amalia.

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