
YOGYAKARTA - Employee engagement is one of the factors that play an important role in the progress of the company or business. Behind successful companies, of course, it is also influenced by employee performance. So what is employee engagement and how important?

Employees in a company do not merely work to earn a salary or monthly income. The condition of employees in a company has a huge impact on productivity and quality of work. A State of the Global Workplace' research from Gallup in 2022 shows that only 24% of workers in Southeast Asia have a good performance.

A professional company will always increase the convenience of employees or employee engagement to achieve vision and mission. What is employee engagement and how to improve it?

Employee engagement can be interpreted as employee attachment in working in a company. Employment is used as an indicator or benchmark to see employee relationships with the company or workplace, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Employee engagement is an important thing that company owners need to pay attention to. Employees who have positive emotional attachment to companies can generally work productively and loyally to stay for a long period of time at the company.

Employee engagement is formed from several involvements within a company, ranging from ties to the responsibility of their work, relationships with superiors or subordinates, and intimacy with co-workers. If these aspects can be well established, employees will feel proud and have high loyalty to the company. This of course really supports the company's efforts to progress and realize vision and mission.

There are several tips or steps that companies need to take to increase employee engagement. Positive attachment between employees and companies can be built through fair rules, good work culture, and interesting activities.

Here are a number of ways to increase employee engagement:

Appreciation or appreciation for the performance of both employees is a form of the company's attention to its workers. Appreciation can increase employee engagement so that it can encourage them to be more productive and carry out their duties properly.

Companies can appreciate the positive contribution of employees in the following ways:

Good communication needs to be built in the company's environment. Every line or position within the company needs to have intense communication to increase the trust of fellow employees. In addition, superiors also need to provide an open communication space for workers.

An intense and open communication space can be built through the following steps:

A professional company will always support its employees to be able to develop or upgrade themselves. Companies need to provide opportunities for employees to improve their skills and insights with the following steps:

That's a review of what employee engagement is and how to improve it. If the company wants to advance and succeed in achieving its vision and mission, it must apply a number of tips above to increase employee engagement.

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