5 How To Stop Children's Bitting Behavior
Illustration of how to stop children's behavior from biting (Freepik/valuavitaly)


YOGYAKARTA During its development, the behavior of children bites is a normal part that is driven by several reasons. First, because it enters the bite phase experienced when teeth grow. In the growing stage of teeth, they experience pain in the gums due to swelling and softness. In addition, biting is also an exploration phase, just as they use their hands.

Exploration is part of curiosity. Toddlers experiment to see what kind of reaction arising from their actions. Children can also bite driven by the desire to seek attention or frustration and think biting is the most effective way to tell them not to be happy. Through these various reasons, parents can stop their bite habits in the following way.

In children entering the growing dental phase, you need to take precautions so that your baby doesn't hurt. Such as having a ring of teeth or cold wash to minimize the chances of them circumventing or injuring.

Situasi yang membuat anak terpendent atau kebutuhannya tidak tersati yang mendorong mereka menganut, perlu dipindadri. Pastikan bahwa kebutuhan anak Anda, termasuk waktu makanan dan tidur siang, sudah teruhi. Sebanyak semua mungkin, mengupkan samilan untuk memanfaat anak Anda jika ia fussi karena siapat.

Due to a fight over toys, a child is forced to bite his friend. This situation needs to be prevented by parents by teaching their children about how to express their feelings. For example, to say 'That's my toy' or 'I'm still using my toys, you'll be there when I'm done', and so on. Another way to express anger includes hugging a zooll or throwing pillows.

Kids can bite because they want attention. So it's time for you to set a time to pay attention to your child and when they fill their time to play or other fun activities. Launching WebMD, Sunday, June 4, extra attention is very important especially when your child experiences major changes in life, such as moving or welcoming a baby's younger brother. If your child tends to bite, keep an eye on any playmate and step in when an argument appears to be happening.

Biting can hurt, either injuring you or your peers. When your child bites, emphasize to your child that this behavior is unacceptable by saying, "No. We don't bite!". Explain that biting hurts others. Then get your child out of the situation and give the child time to calm down.

It's important to note that getting a bite back when a toddler bites is not a good suggestion. Children learn by imitating, if you bite your child, then they will get the impression that biting behavior is acceptable. So parents need to respond appropriately when their children behave bite.

If the child's habit of biting continues until the age of 4-5 years, it may stem from more serious emotional problems. Therefore it is important for parents to talk to child health care providers or ask for help from a child psychologist or therapist.

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