
YOGYAKARTA For those of you who maintain anabul, of course you wonder why cats don't want to eat. Once, this may be worrying. But it's important to know that there are many factors that cause cats to not want to eat. Among them are due to certain diseases such as some of the lists below.

This disease is called the lower urine track disease (FLUTD), which is estimated to be as many as 3 percent of cats examined by veterinarians. This disease has many causes, but it is often experienced by female and male cats who are overweight or not fit. Cats that eat dry foods can also experience it in addition to being triggered by stress.

To overcome the disease that causes the cat's appetite to decrease, you can take steps such as drinking more, feeding a small but more portion, and making sure cats can easily access sand boxes. Furthermore, you need to check with a veterinarian to get the right treatment.

Cats exposed to parasites are usually recognized by vomiting and decreased appetite. So it's important to keep cats away from ticks. This can help keep cats away from exposure to intestinal parasites. Also give the best food to meet the nutritional needs of cats.

Kutuk is a very common external cat health problem. But it can be handled easily because many in the store sell ticks. Signs of cat kutuan, among others, found ratchets such as small black spots on the skin, cats often scratched, hair fell out, and skin infections.

Bandworms are one of the common problems in cat health, reported by WebMD, Tuesday, May 16. This parasite lives in the small intestine and grows very long. Symptoms of cats infected with ribbonworms, may be difficult to see directly. But when cats often vomit and lose weight, it could be a symptom of a deworming cat.

If you provide certain food products, cats need adaptation. It may also make cats lose their appetite. It is important to note that food should not let your favorite anabul experience diarrhea. If you experience diarrhea, you need to immediately stop giving these foods. Provide clean and fresh water so that they remain hydrated. If you experience diarrhea for more than a day, take anabul to the veterinarian.

Teeth and sick gums can cause your cat to stop eating. When the teeth experience resortive lesions, the teeth will break. This can develop gum inflammation, dental abscess, and experience other toothaches that cause verbal pain.

But for the problem of teeth and gums, cats need to be treated by doctors. Doctors will evaluate the problem by anesthetizing their favorite animal and providing care according to the health problems experienced by cats.

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