
YOGYAKARTA - High cholesterol levels in the body have the potential to cause various health problems. Therefore, everyone needs to always pay attention to cholesterol levels in the body. If it turns out to have high cholesterol, you need to eat cholesterol lowering fruit.

Actually, cholesterol is needed to maintain the health of the body. However, if there are too many cholesterol levels in the body, it will form plaques in the blood vessels to inhibit blood flow. High cholesterol can trigger serious diseases, such as heart disease and stroke.

High cholesterol levels are strongly influenced by lifestyle, especially what you consume. To keep cholesterol levels safe, everyone needs to pay attention to their food intake. There are some cholesterol reductions that you can consume.

Health experts always offer to eat fruits to maintain the health of the body. Here are some fruits that can help lower cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol sufferers are recommended to consume banana fruit regularly. This soft textured fruit has many nutritional ingredients that are good for health, ranging from fiber, vitamins, and minerals. High potassium and fiber content in bananas can help lower cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

Other fruit recommended for consumption of cholesterol sufferers is apples. Apples contain a pektin content that can lower cholesterol levels. Pektin will work to bind bile acid and reduce its reabsorption in the intestines, so that high cholesterol levels can be reduced.

The next fruit that can reduce cholesterol levels is avocado. avocado fruit contains oleic acid which can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, this fruit also has a single unsaturated source of nutrients and fat which is beneficial for the heart.

Give is also a recommended fruit for cholesterol sufferers. Various nutritional ingredients in berries help reduce high cholesterol levels. In addition, this fruit also contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients that play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease and other chronic disorders.

The citrus fruit is also suitable for consumption by people with high cholesterol. This fruit contains a pektin substance that can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, the sitrus also complains about vitamin C which plays a role in reducing the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure.

Pir is a fruit that should not be missed by cholesterol sufferers. Just like citrus fruit, pyrs also contain ektin substances that are useful for reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, one urinary is also able to meet 16 percent of the daily fiber needs in the body.

Guava is also a recommended fruit for cholesterol sufferers. guava has potassium content and water soluble fiber which helps reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure. In addition, these substances can also raise good cholesterol levels that play a role in preventing the risk of heart disease.

Another fruit recommendation for people with cholesterol is papaya. Pepaya fruit contains antioxidants that work with paraxonase enzymes, which will inhibit blood cholesterol deposition. In addition, in papaya fruit there are also many nutrients that are important for the health of the body, ranging from antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, to lycopene.

Those are the recommendations for lower cholesterol fruit that you need to consume regularly. You can get a number of fruits above easily in traditional markets and supermarkets. Make sure to buy fruit that is clean and still fresh.

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