
The video of the call to prayer maghrib on a private TV station confiscated public attention. The reason is because in the call to prayer video, Ganjar Pranowo, who in fact will be a presidential candidate in the General Election (Pemilu 2024) will appear later.

Bakal capres dari partai PDI Perjuangan ini lantas mendapat cibiran warga net. Ganjar dinilai mencuri start kampanye dan melakukan politik identitas. Tapi meski meresang respon negatif di platform X, yang sekarang bernama Twitter, pemberitaan mengenai Ganjar Pranowo yang muncul di video azar justru bersifat positif.

To see how much attention news media and netizens have to discuss this issue, Netray monitors with the keywords Ganjar && adzan and Ganjar &&azan for the period 7 to 13 September 2023.

With the same keywords and monitoring period, Netray found 18.6 tweets with an impression of 11.9 million reactions. The tweet was uploaded by more than 6.5 thousand accounts with potential contacts reaching 112.2 million accounts.

The emergence of Ganjar in the video of the negative sentiment flood from netizens dominates as much as 50% compared to positive sentiment which is only 14%. Negative sentiment stems from the discussion of identity politics issues. Not only that, this broadcast is also considered a politicization of religion by netizens.

The Next Level of Religious Politicization!! Ganjar Pranowo, how to make the Adhan Campaign Tool Investigated, who is the actor? So, who uses identity politics that politicizes religion??? Greetings common sense!!! " said the account @Malika6027.

The target of netizens' criticism is also not only about politics, but the appearance of Ganjar Pranowo when he appeared on the call to prayer. Ganjar's scene when taking ablution drew the spotlight, because the former Governor of Central Java did not roll up his sleeves. Warganet also considered that the scene depicted a figure who was not used to taking ablution or prayer.

Despite receiving blasphemy from netizens on social media, Ganjar Pranowo received positive news in online media.

On news channels, the same keywords aired in 201 articles by 78 online news media.

At the beginning of the news, netizens were busy saying Ganjar Pranowo was practicing identity politics. This is what gave negative sentiment to the former Governor of Central Java. He is accused of having carried out a covert campaign, because the time of the campaign had not been determined by the KPU.

However, positive news related to this issue began to excel over time. Positive news came from one of them, some political figures to MUI who actually appreciated this. MUI Deputy General Chairperson Anwar Abbas assessed that the show contained positive values because it had a da'wah value, namely in the form of an invitation to worship.

Political expert from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Andriadi Achmad said identity politics is when a person uses ethnicity, religion or race for politics.

Even so, Andriadi Achmad assessed that Ganjar Pranowo's appearance in the call to prayer video a few days ago did not include identity politics. Why is that?

Andriadi does not think that Ganjar Pranowo is doing identity politics because the PDI-P presidential candidate will not be highlighting something different from other presidential readings. If Ganjar is accused of committing identity politics by selling religion, according to Andriadi, it is not appropriate, because the other two candidates are both Muslim.

In addition, Andriadi also did not include Ganjar Pranowo's appearance in the call to prayer video as identity politics because the man who was born on October 28, 1968 is currently unemployed.

The video of the call to prayer featuring Ganjar Pranowo also cannot be called identity politics because he appears as an ordinary person. Ganjar is currently unemployed. He has released his position as Governor of Central Java and has not registered with the KPU as a presidential candidate. So it can't be said that he did identity politics," Andriadi said during a conversation with VOI on Monday (11/9/2023).

The same thing was expressed by the Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. He did not agree if Ganjar Pranowo's appearance in the call to prayer video on private television was a form of identity politics.

"Was it identity politics? How is the definition of identity politics?" Yaqut said after attending the Opening of the Orientation of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) in Surabaya.

Minister Yaqut then gave an analogy, if he appears in a video advertising mineral water, he is not necessarily a trader of the product. The same thing happened in the case of Ganjar.

"If I suddenly appear in advertisements for mineral water drinks, for example, cooking then I was identified with me as a water seller, right," said Yaqut.

This was also confirmed by the opinion of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) which emphasized that Ganjar Pranowo had not committed any violations by appearing on the callan broadcast. Central KPI Broadcast Content Supervision Coordinator Tulus Santoso said KPI had summoned the representative of the television station concerned.

Tulus said KPI was considering Ganjar's current status. They concluded that Ganjar had not yet had the status of a presidential candidate because the registration of candidates or campaign period for the 2024 presidential election had not yet started.

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