
JAKARTA – The statement by member of the Republic of Indonesia DPR Commission III Bambang Wuryanto or Bambang Pacul, in a Public Hearing Meeting (RDPU) with the Chairman of the National Coordinating Committee for the Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering Crimes (TPPU) Mahfud MD on March 29 reaped polemic.

Is it true that the power of political parties is so great that they are able to regulate all matters, including the matter of forming laws? Or is it just Bambang's joke.

Mahfud initially asked The House of Representatives (DPR) members, especially Bambang, to continue deliberating the Asset Confiscation Bill (RUU) and the bill on restrictions on currency transactions, so that the government and law enforcement officers could more easily take action against corrupt behavior that led to ML.

Because, according to Mahfud, the process of proving money laundering offenses was very difficult, "So, please, through Pak Bambang Pacul, please support the asset confiscation law sir."

"We submitted it since 2020 and it was approved at Baleg but came out again when it was determined to be a top priority. In fact, the contents were approved by the previous DPR," added Mahfud.

Illustration – The functions and objectives of political parties have shifted since the Guided Democracy era, even far from their goal as a locomotive for the struggle towards a more just and prosperous Indonesia today. (Antara/Ampelsa)

Instead, Bambang asked Mahfud to lobby party leaders first to succeed in the Asset Confiscation Bill and the Bill on Limiting Currency Transactions.

"The lobby is not here, sir. Here the Koreans (members of parliament) all obey their respective bosses. It's okay to speak fiercely here, sir, but Bambang Pacul calls Mother, 'Pacul stops!', 'Ready! Do it!'," said Bambang Pacul.

Moreover, if currency restrictions were enforced, the impact could be detrimental to members of the DPR.

"Cry all. When he distributes money, he has to use an e-wallet, the e-wallet is only 20 million more, you can't, sir, they won't work anymore. Lol, I'm blatant about this. Maybe the confiscation of assets can be done, but you have to talk to the chairman of the party first. If it can't be done here, just theory," he continued.

Bambang emphasized, "I will answer your request immediately, Bambang Pacul is ready (to proceed with the bill), if ordered by the boss."

Payment via electronic wallets or e-wallets that are currently trending. (Intermediate/film)

What Bambang conveyed at the meeting, said political observer from Al Azhar University Ujang Komarudin, is the reality of today's political parties. There's no denying that this has been going on for a long time.

“Yes, usually the levels of lobbying are at the head of the party. Every time there is a problem the party leaders are collected. From the party chairman then ordered to the faction head in the DPR RI. The head of the faction then ordered his members who are on the commission or at the Baleg to discuss the bill," said Ujang on April 4, 2023.

Indeed, the pattern is rather complicated, but if the purpose of the bill is good there is no reason to refuse.

"Let's wait and see. Commission III should have supported it. If they don't want to, they are pro against corruption. This means that the DPR alone has a problem. If the DPR doesn't want to clean up, when will this nation be clean," said Ujang.

The Role of Political Parties

In theory, political parties are the bridge that connects the people and the government. People's aspirations are processed by political parties in parliament and then converted into public policies. In short, said Syamsuddin Haris, political parties are one of the important pillars of the representative democracy system apart from the executive, legislative, judicial and other institutions.

In Indonesia, political parties play an important role in finding and ultimately finding an Indonesian identity, including fighting for the foundations of diversity for an independent Indonesia.

Movement figures from HOS Tjokroaminoto, Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, to Sjahrir and M. Natsir not only raised the party, but also made political parties a locomotive for the struggle towards a more just and prosperous Indonesia.

However, conditions changed at least since the Guided Democracy era (1955-1965) and continued into the New Order era. In fact, according to Syamsuddin, it is even more worrying now.

Understanding of politics and noble values ​​such as selfless dedication to the collective good that should be attached to political concepts has become shallow.

Chairman of the National Coordinating Committee for the Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering Crimes (TPPU) Mahfud MD (right) and PPATK Chair Ivan Yustiavandana (left) laughed at the answers from DPR RI Commission III member Bambang Pacul on March 29, 2023. (Parliament TV screen capture)

Lembaga Transparency Internasional pernah mensinyalir buruknya persepsi publik terhadap Parpol, yakni sebagai institusi terkorup, dan politisi Parpol sebagai aktor terkorup. Survei publik yang dilakukan LIPI (2018) di 34 Provinsi mengonfirmasi, Parpol adalah salah satu institusi dengan kinerja terburuk.

“Alih-alih menjadi solusi, Parpol kerap kali justru menjadi bagian dari permasalahan demokrasi kita hingga hari ini,” kata Syamsuddin dalam buku ‘Menuju Reformasi Partai Politik’.

Kendati begitu, lanjut Syamsuddin, citra buruk Parpol tidak semata terkait berbagai kasus suap dan korupsi, tetapi juga berkenaan dengan pola kepemimpinan yang buruk.

Berkembang dan tumbuh subur kepemimpinan yang cenderung personal dan oligarkis pada sebagian besar partai, sehingga institusi yang seharusnya merupakan badan hukum publik tersebut justru terperangkap sebagai firma pribadi milik para ketua umum dan/atau orang kuat Parpol.

“Pada beberapa Parpol, ketua umum yang juga merupakan pendiri partai, bahkan memiliki kekuasaan absolut, sehingga partai benar-benar identik dengan sang ketua umum. Apa pun pilihan ketua umum, itulah yang menjadi keputusan partai,” tutur Syamsuddin.

Politik akhirnya dipahami secara sempit sekadar sebagai perjuangan merebut dan mempertahankan kekuasaan belaka. Seperti dikemukakan oleh teoretikus klasik Harold D. Lasswell, politik akhirnya hanya soal siapa mendapat apa, kapan, dan bagaimana. Seolah-olah tidak ada tujuan substansial lain di balik politik kecuali sekadar perburuan kekuasaan belaka.

Mahfud also admitted that corrupt practices in the reform era were increasingly widespread. In the past, no members of the DPR, officials or law enforcement officers dared to engage in corruption, because it was more coordinated. Now crazier than the New Order era.

However, regarding Bambang Pacul's statement. Mahfud only smiled while shaking his head. He thought the answer was just a joke.

"Joking I guess. He (Bambang Pacul) really likes to joke," said Mahfud in his statement on April 3, 2023.

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