Israel Claims To Find Tunnels At Al Shifa Gaza Hospital Complex, Hamas: Fake Scenario, Reversing Information

JAKARTA - The Palestinian militant group denied statements by the Israeli military that said it had found the group's operational tunnel at the Al Shifa Hospital Complex, Gaza Strip.

"Today, Hamas tunnel infrastructure is seen inside the hospital," the Israeli military said in a statement that also included photos and videos.

Earlier, Israeli special forces stormed Gaza's largest hospital complex in the early hours of Wednesday, after weeks of saying the hospital was the location of Hamas' underground command and control center.

Meanwhile, the doctors and health officials in the pocket area controlled by Hamas consistently denied the allegations.

Furthermore, the Israeli military said they also found what they said was a trap car containing a number of weapons and ammunition.

In a televised briefing on Thursday evening, IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Allahhi said military engineers were trying to uncover the tunnel infrastructure.

Badminton also said soldiers had dug up operational tunnels at Al-Rantisi hospitals in northern Gaza.

Separately, state media offices managed by Hamas denied they used Al-Shifa Hospital as command and control center, calling Israel's claim "baseless lies."

Hamas accused Israel of providing "false scenarios, false narratives and distorting information about Al-Shifa Medical Complex," in a written statement.

Hamas called the tunnel's claim to be a "cheamous scenario", saying it was all "part of a continuous campaign of incitement and frauds carried out over the years" to justify Israel's war on Gaza.

"This is a failed attempt to avoid accountability and future lawsuits," the statement said.

The statement added that the Palestinian Ministry of Health "has repeatedly asked all institutions, organizations, international agencies and related parties to form a technical team, to visit and examine all hospitals, to refute false sedition narratives."