8 Factors That Cause Sexual Desire To Decrease

YOGYAKARTA Everyone has a different sex drive. Sometimes it is quite fluid to have sex with their partner. But it is not uncommon for passion to decrease due to several factors that cause it. The high sex spirit is used to mark the increasing desire to have sex.

The push for sex, or libido, refers to a person's desire to engage in sexual activity. Low Libido refers to the decline in sexual desire, while high libido refers to increasing desire for sex. Some things that support the increase in sexual desire include sports or physical activity, changes in neurotransmitters that trigger the release of dopamine, and testosterone levels. Factors that cause decreased sexual desire, among others as follows.

According to research reported by Medical News Today, Monday, November 13, women's libido during menopause decreased and caused sex flow to decrease.

Research has found that men and women with mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, may have a higher risk of having sexual dysfunction. This can lead to a decrease in sex drive.

The push for sex can fluctuate with age. A review highlights that once people reach the age of 60, there is a decrease in libido.

A number of studies have shown that there is a connection between obesity and sexual dysfunction. One of the factors that causes a decrease in sex drive is obesity.

Psychological conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, can cause sexual dysfunction that can reduce sex drive. A study highlights that the biological effects of diabetes, such as nerve damage, and psychological effects, such as negative self-image and fatigue, can reduce libido.

During pregnancy, research shows that many women reduce their sexual activity. In addition, pregnant women also better maintain the condition of their pregnancy and also affect the urge for sex.

7. Relationship satisfaction

A study found that some women's desires had decreased because satisfaction with relationships was also not fulfilled. This means that sexual life is closely related to how the relationship with their partner is.

Certain drugs are also a factor in the decline in sexual desire. Some of them, men who undergo chemotherapy decrease their testosterone levels, causing a decrease in enthusiasm. In women, hormonal contraception also affects sexual desire. In addition, antidepressant drugs are also proven in a study that reduces sex drive.

Those are eight factors that reduce sexual arousal. To overcome this, it is necessary to identify the cause and be diagnosed by an expert so that it is handled appropriately.