The PDIP DPR Faction Proposes A Form Of The 2024 TNI Election Netrality Panja, Golkar Legislator: Not Yet Agenda

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR from the Golkar faction Bobby Rizaldi responded to the chairman of the relevant PDIP faction, Utut Adianto, who proposed the formation of a working committee (perja) for the supervision of TNI neutrality in the 2024 General Election. Bobby said that the formation of the panja team had not yet become the agenda of Commission I of the DPR. Moreover, according to him, there must be approval from all members of the faction to form a Panja.

"Not yet (in the form of a panja, ed), because that is indeed the need for approval from all faction members. If the formation of the Panja must be unanimous and it has not become an agenda in Commission I's internal meeting," said Bobby at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, November 10.

Apart from Commission I, Bobby revealed, the internal Golkar Party has not yet discussed the proposed formation of the TNI Netrality Working Committee. He considered that the Panja for neutrality could be made if there was evidence to support the TNI's stance. "As far as I know, it's not yet, because we actually have to look at the Panja, of course, what are the dynamics. If for example, the Panja is neutral, what is the evidence? So what are the indications that it is not neutral," said Bobby.

According to Bobby, the formation of the TNI's Netrality Working Committee must also look at the dynamics that occur. Because, he said, the committee must be useful, not cause polemics.

"Of course there must be that, so we ensure that the results of the Panja do have a solution, there are benefits, but not cause polemics in the public, especially during the preparation period for the election," said Bobby. Previously, Deputy Chairman of Commission I of the DPR who is also the chairman of the PDIP faction, Utut Adianto, proposed the formation of the TNI's Netrality Working Committee (Panja) to anticipate and supervise the TNI so as not to carry out practical politics in the upcoming 2024 election.

The proposal was conveyed by Utut in a joint working meeting with the TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono, Army Chief of Staff General TNI Agus Subiyanto, KSAU Marshal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo, and KSAL Admiral TNI Muhammad Ali, Tuesday, November 7.

"Mrs. have permission, if we are pleased with me from the leadership table. If we are willing to maintain the dignity of the DPR, make a Panja Netrality TNI. So while we are busy as legislative candidates, we are making supervision," said Utut in the meeting room of Commission I of the DPR.

According to the chairman of the PDIP faction in the DPR, the formation of the TNI's Panja Netrality is important to avoid intervention from President Joko Widodo to high-ranking TNI officials.

"So in short, I mean the TNI Commander. But the most difficult thing is from the chief of staff and commander if the president gives orders. Army from childhood (trained) to be upright to superiors," he said.

Although Utut believes that all TNI officials will be neutral in the 2024 election, he believes that the TNI's Netrality Committee still needs to be formed to maintain national security stability.

"We respect Mr. Yudo, a good person, Mr. KSAL is a good person. These are all good people. We don't want our sovereignty to be disturbed. We don't want the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia to break down, we don't want this Republic to be built by the nation's predecessors with tears, and you are the main pillars. Therefore, (TNI Netrality Working Committee) is part of preventing it from being tarnished. The familyapta of the father guard," explained Utut.