Praises High-Technological Cooperation, President Putin: Russia And China Don't Build Military Alliance

JAKARTA - President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday praised what he described as important high-tech military cooperation between Russia and China, but said the two countries did not build alliances like the Cold War era.

This was conveyed by President Putin when receiving Deputy Chairman of China's Central Military Commission General Zhang Youxia, accompanied by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

"Russia and China have not built any military alliances such as the Cold War," Putin told General Zhang at his residence in Novo-Ogaryovo outside Moscow, adding Russia-Chingkok relations are a force that stabilizes the world. November 9.

President Putin further said military cooperation between Moscow and Beijing was increasing, focusing on the field of high technology that would ensure strategic security.

"Of course, our cooperation, our military and military technical contacts are also becoming increasingly important, while for military technical cooperation, here, of course, our work in the field of high technology is the main thing," said President Putin.

"I mean space, including the grouping of high orbits, I mean also modern and promising weapons which will certainly ensure the strategic security of Russia and the People's Republic of China," he explained.

Meanwhile, General Zhang told President Putin China respects Russia for its ability to withstand the strictest sanctions imposed by the West on major countries.

"The Russian Federation, under your leadership, is stubbornly facing Western sanctions, which shows that there are no difficulties that bend you and Russia," General Zhang said. "For this, the Chinese side expresses respect for you," he praised.

He added that his delegation came to carry out important agreements and further strengthen bilateral military cooperation between the two countries.

It is known that China and Russia declared a "infinite" partnership in February 2022, President Putin visited Beijing, days before the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war.

The United States considers China its biggest competitor and Russia its biggest threat.

President Putin accused the United States of fueling tensions in Asia-Pacific by trying to form a military alliance, referring to the "AUKUS" security alliance consisting of America, Australia, and Britain.