5 Reasons Why Couples Criticize Too Often

YOGYAKARTA Receiving criticism in a positive way can make a person learn better. But if you criticize too often, it may make couples who accept it feel anxious and irritated. However, if your partner often does, know why. According to clinical psychologist and lecturer at the Westchester Hospital Center, David Braucher, Ph.D., couples who criticize too often find it difficult to establish emotional intimacy. Instead of accepting, appreciating, adhering to commitments, couples who often express criticism have reasons below.

If we criticize ourselves, according to Braucher, we tend to criticize others, especially those closest to us. Often, this is not realized even though it has a bad effect on others. But people who criticize usually assume the same standards. So that criticism is expressed without being screened first. In fact, criticism can also embarrass or paralyze their partner.

Un grateful people can encourage them to be too critical. As Braucher notes, some people feel very vulnerable when receiving love. Because when accepting what is really desirable, without gratitude will always depend but are not aware of what can be taken or given. As a result, it cannot reduce criticism.

A person can be too critical when he is afraid to believe his own judgment. Often, this is due to trauma with previous relationships or having experienced bad love stories. In principle, negative emotions about past relationships need to be overcome. The goal is to build a healthy and harmonious relationship.

Some of us are becoming too critical to protect ourselves from getting hurt. This is for fear of painful feelings. Obviously Braucher, if we don't open our hearts and accept our partner, we won't be so hurt if the relationship ends. So by constantly criticizing your partner, it means keeping your distance and refusing your partner before he refuses you.

Being critical can create distance, reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, November 5. If you criticize your partner too much, for example, you may create rarely psychological. So someone will create space in them so that they become too critical.

Those are five reasons why couples often criticize and create problems with emotional intimacy. When emotional intimacy is not awakened, relationships will not make us comfortable.