Erick Thohir Reluctant To Talk About Managing Candidates

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises as Ad Interim Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Erick Thohir is reluctant to respond to himself completing the requirements as a vice presidential candidate (cawapres).

"Later, yes," said Erick Thohir briefly in Beijing, when met by ANTARA for confirmation about the SKCK and a certificate was never convicted as reported by ANTARA from Beijing, China, Wednesday, October 18.

Erick Thohir has been in Beijing since October 16, 2023 to accompany President Joko Widodo's working visit to Beijing, China.

After leaving Beijing, President Jokowi and his entourage will also continue an official visit to Riyadh to hold a meeting with the Crown Prince who also serves as Saudi Arabia's Prime Minister (PM) Mohammed bin Salman to lead the 1st ASEAN-GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) Summit and is planned to return on Saturday (21/10).

Previously, the Public Relations Officer of the South Jakarta District Court, Djumyanto, confirmed that he had issued a Certificate Never as a Convict Number: W10.U3/3200/SKtr/Hkm/2023.

"It is true that the South Jakarta District Court has issued several certificates that have never been convicted," said Djuyamto.

The certificate, he said, had been issued by the South Jakarta District Court as requested by the petitioners, namely to fulfill the requirements for the Vice Presidential Candidate.

"The need there in the application is mentioned for the purposes of the presidential election registration requirements," he said.

Apart from Erick, said Djuyamto, the South Jakarta District Court has issued a certificate for applicants including Yusril Ihza Mahendra, Anies Baswedan, and Muhaimin Iskandar.

The letter, which was signed by the Deputy South Jakarta District Court Wahyu Iman Santoso on October 16, 2023, explained that based on the results of the examination of the Criminal Identification, the applicant was not moderate and was never a convict based on a court decision that had permanent legal force.

The certificate was actually made to be used as a fulfillment of the requirements for the Vice Presidential Candidate for the Republic of Indonesia if there is an error in the future and this certificate will be corrected properly.

Meanwhile, today, the General Chairperson of the PDI-P DPP Megawati Soekarnoputri officially announced Mahfud MD as a prospective vice presidential candidate to accompany Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election.

Megawati assessed Mahfud as an intellectual and experienced figure in accompanying Ganjar Pranowo. Mahfud is considered to be a person who has complete experience, ranging from executive, legislative, to judicial institutions.

Meanwhile, on Friday (13/10), the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party as well as the prospective presidential candidate (candidate) Prabowo Subianto revealed that the candidate for vice presidential candidate (cawapres) who has the opportunity to accompany him for the 2024 presidential election has been discussed and reduced to four names.