Heart Attack, Online Taxi Driver Dies While Driving A Car In Mampang

JAKARTA Online taxi driver was found dead in his car on Jalan Kaptendean, Mampang, South Jakarta, Tuesday, October 10. Residents and road users panicked when they saw a car suddenly stopping in the middle of the road. It was finally discovered that the driver with the initials AK died.

Mampang Prapatan Police Chief, Commissioner David Y Kanito confirmed the incident.

"It's true, the victim with the initials AK, the victim works as an online driver," said David when confirmed, Tuesday, October 10.

David explained that the incident began when the car driven by AK stopped in the middle of Tendean's Captain Tendean Street, causing traffic jams.

After being examined by a medical team who came to the location, AK was suspected of having a heart attack.

Another driver who saw this car stopped, so he checked, the victim AK (61) was unconscious and was loaded in the steering seat.

"Currently, the traffic flow situation has returned to normal," he said.

The victim has recently been taken to Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta. The goal is for further action.

"The victim has been taken to Fatmawati Hospital," he concluded.