Students Of SMPN 132 Cengkareng Died Falling From 4th Floor, Residents: Many Students Skipping Behind Fence
JAKARTA - The death of a junior high school student with the initials DR in the back alley of a school on Jalan Tawangmangu, RT 02/06, Kedaung Kaliangke Village, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta is still a mystery. Various information mentions that the victim fell from the 4th floor of the school building.
"I didn't hear any screams. But when he fell, his friend (victim) saw the one above," said May, a resident around SMPN 132 Cengkareng, Monday, October 9.
According to May, the fence behind the school is often jumped by students to skip school.
"I like to jump (students) first. From here (pagars) jump. Before the wall also likes to jump," he said.
May said students often jumped over the fence for unknown purposes.
"If the goal is not to understand, I don't know whether to skip or what. Yes (they) leave school," he said.
Previously, a 3rd grade junior high school student with the initials D was found dead with severe injuries to his head. The victim was found lying covered in blood behind the school building in the Cengkareng area, West Jakarta, Monday, October 9.
"We are still investigating the conclusions of suicide and others. You received information from the hospital that the victim had died," said Cengkareng Police Chief, Police Commissioner Hasoloan Situmorang to reporters, Monday, October 9.