Elon Musk Removes Link Title On Platform X, Only Applies On IOS

JAKARTA 'Platform X is back upgrading to their application. X, previously known as Twitter, is known to have lost the look of the news title in an upload.

If you've been a Twitter user for a long time, you'll be aware of the shape of news links or articles shared on the platform. Usually, the appearance that appears is the main photo, the website that releases, and the headline or title.

However, in the latest view, X will only display the main photo with the domain of the link. This domain is also placed in the lower left corner of the photo.

Reporting from The Verge, this change is the idea of Elon Musk. The owner of X Corp wants to increase aesthetics on its platform. This change itself has been done by Musk since last August.

With the removal of the headline on the news or articles shared, there will be benefits and disadvantages for users X. Maybe Musk is right, aesthetically this display becomes more attractive and more eye-stimulating.

However, the loss of the headline can also make people wonder about the contents of the news that was shared because the latest display could not outline a little of the contents of the link. They may also ignore the links that were spread because of the lack of clarity in content.

It should be noted that this display has only changed on iOS devices. Although currently the main look of the news or the headline can still be seen on Android and website, that doesn't mean Musk will let it go.