Intergroup Clashes In Neglasari Tangerang, 1 Died, 18 People Arrested
TANGERANG - Police arrested 18 teenagers involved in the death of a young man, FT (24) during a clash on Jalan Iskandar Muda, Neglasari, Tangerang City.
The Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Nugroho said that the average eight people he secured were minors, SM (16), N (18), F (16), RF (16), K (15), S (18), MA (17) and MS (17).
Not only that, the police also secured 10 teenagers from the victim, AY (23), AK (25), HM (19), YM (18), B (21), A (17), AJ (21), SA (18), DJ (16) and AR (20).
"We have secured eight perpetrators based on the testimony of witnesses at the TKP (the crime scene). Including 10 teenagers from the victim group," said Zain in his statement, Friday, September 29.
Zain also explained that the incident began when the group of victims and the perpetrators agreed on social media to fight. They met at the crime scene until they ended up fighting using sharp weapons.
Tugustres against the Alliance12 account. The two groups have also prepared themselves to carry sharp weapons, "he said.
The victim was beaten to death. The police who received the information conducted an investigation until they were finally arrested by the dozens of teenagers.
اقرأ أيضا:
"(Of the dozens of perpetrators) there are 4 people suspected of being the manager of social media accounts (admin) who are currently being investigated by the Cyber Sub-Directorate of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya for posting invitations for brawls and videos showing violence," he said.
Zain said that of the dozens of teenagers who were arrested, there were a number of perpetrators who were underage and charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code, Article 351 paragraph 3 or 358 of the Criminal Code, Article 2 of the Republic of Indonesia Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of 1.
"And Article 81 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection," he concluded.