The Story Of The Creators Of Agnez Mo And Kris Dayanti's Songs Which Are Often Violated By Their Moral Rights And Economic Rights

JAKARTA - Ari Bias, a musician who is also a member of the band Elkasih, revealed the problems he faced regarding moral rights and economic rights as songwriters.

Having a career for the last 23 years, Ari Bias admitted that his economic rights to songs were often violated. He admitted that he often did not get royalties from his works.

"We can't get the concert royalties rights. We try it ourselves, I send electronic letters to the management who sings my songs, such as Kris Dayanti, Agnes Monica (Agnez Mo), Reza Artamevia and others," said Ari Bias, launching the YouTube channel AHMAD DHANI IN A NEWS, Monday, August 28.

He said that some management had admitted mistakes and had paid compensation. However, not with Agnez Mo's side. This made Ari prohibit Agnez Mo from singing his songs.

"Agnes Monica doesn't agree yet. From their three events at Holywings, they don't want to pay. So yes, I forbid my song to be sung by Agmes Monica," said Ari Bias.

In addition to royalty issues, Ari Bias also has problems with moral rights for songwriters. He said his name was often not taken into account as a songwriter.

"In my case, I made some labels because they didn't write my name on Spotify and YouTube," said Ari Bias.

"There is Kris Dayanti's song, (the title) Don't Go, it's written by Anang. So, as long as it's possible the royalties are there. It's to be expected," he continued.

Ari Bias feels that the name of the songwriter must be written in every publication, as a very basic moral right.

"Regardless of the error in writing names or royalties being lost, it is still being investigated. But what is certain is that my moral rights have been violated there," he said.

It's not enough to stop there, Ari is also often not asked for permission when there are parties who enter their songs into digital platforms.

There was also song theft. There was a song that was raised to digital without permission from me as the creator. I'm also in the subpoena process," concluded Ari Bias.