This Is Sido's Effort To Appear Make Herbal Medicine One Of The Choices In Hospital Treatment
JAKARTA - PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk seeks to make herbal medicine an option in health care and treatment. Director of Sido Muncul Irwan Hidayat believes this can be successful considering the consumer community's trust in Sido Muncul products.
This effort was made by Sido Muncul, one of which was by cooperating with a medical organization, the Indonesian Medical Herbal Doctors Association. Irwan said that his party was consistent with commitments to scientific research, where Sido Muncul also had the Sido Muncul Spice Research Center.
"It's not just a matter of efficacy or spice benefits. In PPRS, spice plants are also researched and developed to be superior. There are spices enrichments and breeding that will eventually be distributed to spice farmers for development and the results can supply factory needs," said Irwan, quoted on Saturday, August 19.
"At this early stage, it was still used to. Actually drinking herbal medicine was a habit for a long time, but the development of the world of health shifted to treatment with chemicals, and that habit fell. Sido Muncul started again getting used to this habit while restoring the glory of Indonesian herbal medicine," added Irwan.
Sido Muncul takes a strategic positioning. Rejecting the wind, for example, is very effective in overcoming complaints such as windfall, bloating stomach, even in some cases it can overcome nausea and shortness of breath.
"Some admit that the candy from Tolak Angin law has received news that it really helps asthma patients," said Irwan.
Sido Muncul is also increasingly aggressive in collaborating with a number of hospitals to present the Healthy Kiosk Sido Muncul Natural, as an effort to provide herbal medicine as an alternative treatment to the community.
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Prof. Dr. dr. Nyoman Kertia, a medical herbal expert at a health seminar, said that scientific efforts are a way to facilitate this habit. Even challenging doctors to dare to prescribing Tolak Angin for patients with certain complaints.
Nyoman added that herbal science is the answer to the doctors' doubts about choosing a treatment method. Empirically, herbal medicine is a medicine and is a health care tradition in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, Dr H Syarief Hidayat MH, the head of Komnas Saintification Jamu, said that he was very happy with Sido Muncul's steps. According to him, herbal scintification is easier to do because there is research facilitation by Sido Muncul.
"Even in some hospitals, Sido Muncul has opened cooperation to get used to people consuming herbal medicine," said Syarief.